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Arca Swiss compendium shade w/ square filter holder


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This question is for anyone using an Arca Swiss compendium 4x5 shade

with a Lee filter system or other square filter system:


I have ordered the A-S compendium shade in 4x5 but don't have it yet

and don't know it's dimensions. The Lee holder has the little spring

knob that sticks out pretty far. I'm wondering if this will snag on

the compedium "bellows" or if it will even fit at all. (Note, I do

have the Lee compendium shade but I'm not interested in using it

since it leaves an open area where the filter slots are -- that's why

I ordered the A-S shade.)


Can those with experience with this combination (A-S compendium/Lee

holder) please provide comments on their likes and dislikes about the

two working together? For example, how easy is it to add/remove the

Lee holder with the A-S compendium in place -- or vice-versa?


For others who have the A-S compendium shade with a different square

system (Hitech, Heliopan, ...) please also say what works and doesn't

or what you like and don't like about the two working together?


Thanks much

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I have the older style AS compendium bellows lens shade, the type that have the four blades on the front. I think it's excellent, because one has maximum flexibility in being able to exclude extraneous light. I use a Xenophon behind the lens filter holder (see Calumet) that cost me about $45 a long time ago. By mounting the holder on a reduction lens boards, I can change lenses without affecting the holder.


In my holder, the rear square hole is about 4.5" square. I just picked up Arca's filter holder for my unit. It about 4" square.

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Neil: Thanks. If it's not too much trouble, could you measure the inner width/height of your compendium?


Ellis: Thanks. I see the slots in the picture in the A-S catalog. However, this would put the filter back out into the same light that I'm trying to shade with the compendium. I'd prefer to avoid this if possible.

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