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Lightroom CC importing files issue

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<p>I recently noticed that when I import images to Lightroom CC some images are not in the order it took them. I have been doing dome action shots with a 7D MrkII. Since this camera can take lots of frames per second it seems like lightroom has no regards as to which order the images that were taken within that second and they get mixed up. The images seem in general to follow the time line. For normal every day shooting I would not even notice it. The issue seems to be when many pictures are marked withinthe same time and seconds. <br>

Could it be that I had changed some sort of setting by mistake? <br>

If anyone can help me with this I will certainly appreciate it. It is quite annoying to see the sequence out of sequence.<br>



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<p>The order in which images are displayed in Lightroom is selectable. It usually defaults to the Added Order (to Lightroom). The alternatives include File Name and Capture Time. Either one of these should keep them in sequential order. You can also rearrange the order by clicking and dragging the files in the Grid View. There is a selector labeled "Sort:" at the bottom of the Grid View.</p>

<p>When exporting images, you can rename the files to include the sequence number, which depends on the sorting order above. I do that for customers who prefer that to the actual file name, or if I need them in a certain order for a presentation.</p>

<p>Files are added to Lightroom in the order they appear on the original card or disk, and that depends on the first available spot when the file is first recorded. Once you have added and deleted files to a hard drive, for example, holes appear in the file structure, and are used by the file system in the order of availability. Each time you move or copy files, the true order may change. You never see it because your file explorer automatically sorts them by name (or some other value).</p>

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