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Epson V800 for 4x5 Film, Nikon 8000 ED for Smaller

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<p>I currently use a Minolta Scan Dual 4 for 35mm and an Epson Perfection 2400 for 120 and 4x5 film. Will I gain anything by upgrading my Epson 2400 to the Epson V800 for my 4x5 films? Also the Nikon 8000 seems to be the best way at the moment to scan 120 film it seems, and can also do 35mm. What scanner drivers are people using with their 8000 on current Windows systems like Windows 10 64 bit? I read about the new Plustek 120 scanner and it seems to be no better then using a Flatbed. Any comments?</p>
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<p>You will see a significant image quality increase by upgrading to a V800. I use the V700 and it's day and night to the 2400. The 2400 is what I would consider a toy, in comparison. I don't know how you did 4x5 on that, but the V800 will do up to 8x10.</p>

<p>This is a scan with my V700 on 35mm stock.</p>

<p><img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5642/22688512449_1cefd47f5b_b_d.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Imagine the detail on a 4x5.</p>

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<p>I actually have the 4x5 transparency light for the 2400. Its what I've been using since. Ok. Sounds like the 800 is a good buy. On my list. All I need to figure out is using the Nikon 8000 on current computers.</p>
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<p>I use Silverfast for an LS-8000 scanner. The original Nikonscan software is not compatible beyond Windows XP (possibly Vista). The LS-8000 is very fussy regarding the Firewire card, and may not be recognized unless you get the right match. According to Nikon, you need a Texas Instruments FW processor, but that doesn't always work either.</p>

<p>I like Silverfast because it is very powerful, and puts the same face on scanners of any make. I've been using it for nearly 20 years on both Nikon and various flatbed scanners. Vuescan is a cheaper alternative preferred by many people. All the drivers you need are included. Both have excellent trial programs, so make sure your scanner works before buying the software.</p>

<p>I can't connect it to the HP workstation I use for editing, but a Lenovo W520 laptop works just fine. A portable hard drive and some empty space on a table, and I'm good to go (until my wife catches me).</p>

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<p>So since my computer is only 6 months old running Windows 10, its not likely my computer will see the 8000 scanner at all? Is it connected via firewire to USB? There is an old inf file fix for this scanner, but if I can't get it to connect- well?</p>
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<p>You can get FW cards that will work with Win10. However getting the driver to work is a two fold problem. 1: you need to re-write the inf file to get it recognized and 2: it *HAS* to be digitally signed (as of Win8) and the driver is likely not.</p>

<p>With Win7 Microsoft supplied a VM that was capable of redirecting devices to an XP engine. Although you can run XP in the VM with comes with Win8/10, there is no device redirection functionality. I have used VirtualBOX to do this, but it can get buggy on some devices.</p>


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<p>Flatbeds for 4x5 but I can't see the point of deadstock Nikon scanners(and the attendant OS/repair issues) for 35mm and 120 when DSLR scanning can deliver the goods. Photo scanner technology seems to be at a standstill and will likely stay there.</p>
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<p>I have no inclination to take still photos of my film negs/slides. Its not a perfect process and getting focus dead on is way more unlikely then a scanner would be. And light has to be perfect on top of that. Nope not going that way.<br>

So basically I have no hope of getting an 8000 scanner working on a newer system? I'm not talking drivers, but to get the thing to even talk to the computer. Is the 9000 any better?</p>

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