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My little Agfa Ambi Silette story (thankfully saved from a sad end by Tony Lockerbie)

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<p>I bought myself an Agfa Ambi Silette after reading a piece on it right here in the CMC forum (http://www.photo.net/classic-cameras-forum/00a8KJ). To go with this beauty, I bought 3 lenses, the 50mm f2.8 Color-Solinar, the 35mm f4 Color-Ambion and the 90mm f4 Color-Telinear.</p>

<p>About 6 months ago, I headed out with camera and 3 lenses, which makes for a very lightweight bag. The body is nicely made (not Leica M3-nice, but pretty solid), and the lenses are absolutely beautiful - small and solid, with precise movements of focus and aperture rings. After 2 exposures, I found that the camera was doing something very strange - everytime I wound the film on, the shutter would fire as the wind lever returned to its resting position. No amount of fiddling on the street (to the puzzlement of passers-by) stopped this behaviour. I posted about the problem in this very forum, and the consensus was that camera needed an overhaul. As I have no mechanical gifts, and since the repairman who is known to be an expert in these cameras was on a sabbatical, I put it aside, only to longingly fondle the lenses once in a while.</p>

<p>Enter Mr. <strong>Tony Lockerbie</strong>, who, aware of this chain of events and knowing that I was going to be in his geographic area in January, offered to send me his spare Ambi Silette body. And so he did, bless him! I was delighted to receive the camera a few days before I returned home.</p>

<p>And so I set off with the Ambi Mark II (loaded with Fujicolor 200) and 3 lenses on a sunny Sunday. The camera worked beautifully and the lenses were fantastic.</p>

<p>A few images from it are below, and many more images (including the camera itself) are in the gallery: <em><strong>http://www.photo.net/photodb/slideshow?folder_id=1090108</strong></em></p>

<p>Thank you, <strong>Tony</strong>, for your generosity in sending me this lovely camera.</p>

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<p>A heart-warming tale, <strong>rajmohan</strong>, typifying the generous spirit of this Forum. That's a nice tidy camera that Tony sent you; the name plate is usually rather rubbed and burnished but this one shows little wear. Nice gallery you've assembled, and I'm sure you'll enjoy the Ambi-Silette and it's fine lenses. Great gesture, <strong>Tony</strong>, good on yer, mate.</p>
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<p>Thanks for your comments everyone, and especially to <strong>Tony</strong>, for the lovely camera!<br>

<strong>Rick</strong> and <strong>Cory</strong> - I completely agree; the level of knowledge and spirit of generosity that I've seen among members of this group is unsurpassed, and I'm very grateful to have found it. If I could, I'd be constantly asking questions here and picking everyone's brains - I suppose it's a great relief to everyone that I don't have the time to do this and be a constant pest! :)<br>

<strong>Raghu</strong> - Thank you for your comments. I understand your envy, but on occasion I wish I hadn't discovered all these beautiful machines - it takes me a ridiculous amount of time to get ready to go out, because I have great difficulty in choosing which one(s) to take with me! </p>

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