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Listen Up All You Leica Engineers


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Okay, I've had enough of this digi-weenieness. It's creeping into every

thread. And I ain't helping by cramming my 2 cents in either. So, along

the lines of Jay's quiz a while ago I have a proposal for a digital M

camera that I think they could make...IF they aren't lying about the lens

coverage issue that's supposedly stopping them. I'm sure all the gear

heads will have a field day with this one.


Would you accept a M of 8 or 9 meg that wasn't a full 24X36 format

sensor? That would mean we'd be dealing with a lens multiplication

factor of maybe 1.6X. But the light path should then work to strike the

sensor more head on. A 21 ASPH would equal a 35mm, a 24 = 40mm, a

28 =45mm, a 35=56mm, a 50 = 80, 75 = 120mm, 90 =144mm. By

altering the cameras rangefinder bright lines and cam, current lenses could

bring up the correct framing. It would probably need at least a .085 finder

or one like in the M3. If you just couldn't live without a W/A, use a VC

12 mm = 19mm. 15mm = 24mm and use the clip on finders for 21 and



Personally, I don't need a big honking LED on it either. A smaller one

with it programed to flash-warn overexposed areas is all you need.


Call it the M-D and you have proverbial Leica "Doctor Market" locked

up going in.


Wadayathink? Am I smoking the drapes here?<div>004New-10990584.jpg.09b241d322adc846ee9fe28ca66637cd.jpg</div>

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There is no reason at all why they cannot make the camera with a full frame sensor. At the very least, I would accept 24mm x 30mm for an easy 8x10 enlargement.


Sorry but the missing rewind crank makes this look like a real chop job. Fill out the top deck like the M5.

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Yo, Marc; remember <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=003nWR">this thread?</a></p>


The headache with the Leica is the paired frames: </p>


24,35, and 135 have to have coordinated frames </p>

21,28, and 90 have to have coordinated frames </p>

50 and 75 have to have coordinated frames </p>


which would give you (effective focal length pairings, 1.6x)</p>


40 and 56 </p>

80 and 120 </p>

45 and 144 </p>


which probably aren't too bad, especially the last.</p>


The manual frame setting of the Bessa-R2 would allow you to use the existing viewfinder straight out of the box (assuming a 1.4x chip)</p>


24 - set 35 frame </p>

35 - set 50 frame </p>

50 - set 75 frame </p>


The last I heard from a Leica rep is that, even with the M7, Leica can't see a way to integrate the electronics between the shutter/camera and a digiback, even if they solve the optical questions. I don't know how much water that holds, since quasi-mechanical MF cameras are getting digibacks</p>


(An R digiback is still 2 years out, but is being actively pursued).</p>


Anyway, I dream along with you!

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Marc. I have little interest in a digital M body. However, if there were such a thing that looked and felt and was the same size as a classic M, like you pictured, I might be interested. But you and I both know that it won't be anything like you picture. It would be some megablob with little or no relationship to an M body.


BTW, what is that thing on the Noctilux where the focussing ring is located? Mine doesn't have one.

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They're all on the back Ellis.


I'm looking at them right now.

Look good. Easy to use too.


The battery is in the area where the rewind crank use to be.

Nice little rechargable lith-Ion flat cell

The sensor is a CMOS, so the battery life is pretty good.


Also, all the ports are on the back, including an external power jack.


These digi-shots were all taken with the second body I just made up.


Mmmm, those drapes sure are a smooth smoke.

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I seem to got too much time too -


1. The frame counter also needs to go.


2. The top deck right (in the image, near the finder) is rectangular, and the body is circular at the end, this is an obvious mess.


3. Why an optical rangefinder, when you can have an electronic one?


In fact, I'd like to see a very high res eye-level electronic finder that shows me exactly how the final pic will look like, with darkened areas in out-of-focus places. All in-focus areas will be brighter. Further, the viewfinder will darken/brighten with reducing/increasing exposure. Thus, all I'd have to do was (like a 1960's TV set), adjust the "brightness" (and maybe "contrast"), focus and click. Goodbye matrix metering, zone system and whatnot.


Of course, to implement it, Leica would have to hire me, and they certainly cannot afford that!

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OK, lets face it and call a spade a spade - a Leica M was only meant to be a fully mechanical, precision instrument, not some weird, electronic digital monstrosity!!! Leave well enough alone. The last TRUE Leica M was the M6TTL, and as I understand from Leica's website, the last 999 have just been produced - what a pity, and the end of an era in photography!!!M7 and its successors are all downhill from herein. What a shame for photography, and for Leica.
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Marc, round off the end by the finder and it looks fine. I vote for an M2 style manual reset "frame" counter to keep track of how many pix are on the "film" card, advanced by an M2 style wind lever. You wanna take another picture, you gotta wind the exposure counter to get the electronics on to the next frame. Love that retro look! Without a 35mm film cartridge or take up spool there should be plenty of room for electronics and battery. How about a 35mm cartridge sized battery? Please, no electronic rangefinder substitute. If you can't focus a Leica the old fashioned way there's plenty of other cameras out there for you. I think that it's important to keep handling as close as possible to the film bodies so we don't have to fiddle around when switching back and forth between film and digital.
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Looks great, sounds great. Trouble is, Leica has to get those 999 commemoratively-"imprinted" M6TTL's and a run green lizard-skin platinum-plated diamond-studded Sir Elton John M7's out before they can ask Hermes for an R&D allowance to get started looking into the D-M--and then they have to wait for their marketing department to decide how to un-spin the "it's impossible" line, so if we want to see it before we're in nursing homes we might have to get Konica or Cosina to build it ;>)
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<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/quietglow/public/image.jpg">



Yeah, I like the rounded corner better too. I thought that I'd do a nice Leica script on the top (what's a Leica without a script?) but found that it was "too late on a Friday night" for that.


(What's become of my life that I spend Friday evenings PSing images of Leicas?)

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