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Raw file EXIF metadata - add or edit lens, aperture and shutter speed information

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I am using a Hasselblad 500C/M body with a CFV-50c digital back. With this configuration, the raw 3FR files can only record the ISO

value. I makes notes on the lens, aperture and shutter speed information for each shot and would like to add this to the raw files so that it

is permanently recorded with the relevant image.


Does anybody know of an app for Mac OS X that can add or edit these EXIF metadata fields in the raw files?


I thought that the Phocus processing app from Hasselblad might have included a facility for doing this, but I couldn't see one. Did I miss



Any help with this task will be very gratefully received. Thanking you in anticipation.

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Thank-you, Howard.


This will be a "challenge" - I haven't used command line program for some time. In reading though the information on the page that you referred to, I came across the following ...


"The exiftool application provides a convenient command-line interface for the Image::ExifTool Perl package ..."


"convenient" is not perhaps the first adjective that I would have thought of to associate with a command-line interface.

Maybe "clean", "flexible", or "basic" would have come to mind. ;-)

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Why cant you edit EXIF data in photoshop or lightroom?


Have you googled exif editors for macs?


I wish I could find an exif pgm that works if I tap or click on any photo on my screen to get exif information on that picture instead of downloading it first.

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Hello Paul RON.


Thank-you for your suggestions.


The lens, aperture, shutter speed data cannot be edited in Lightroom. There are only certain fields that can be edited in

Lightroom, unfortunately.


I have indeed "Googled" this topic without finding a useful program beyond ExifTool.


I'm not sure what you are suggesting in the last sentence. What program is displaying the photographs?

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any picture on the screen. it would be nice to get exif data just by taping or clicking on a

photo on screen from anywhere.


ill have to look in photoshop if those fields are editable. i know i can read it but changing may

be another thing. but i do know there is a place you can enter comments n credits. how about

for your information, use those fields to include your data?

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Many thanks, Paul RON for the clarification and further suggestion.


There are indeed several "free text" fields in the EXIF and IPTC headers where I could record the information. This would

be a fall-back option. It would be far, far better to place the lens, aperture and shutter speed information in the proper

EXIF fields that software would be expecting to find such information. That would include the software that you are


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<p>I use Exif Editor, with many different setups for camera and lenses.<br>

But I also discovered a powerful iPhone/Mac application to both register photo data, and embed the data into the files later.<br>

The name is PhotoExif on Apple AppStore, and after purchase you can download the Mac version for your desktop. It basically works like this: when you take a picture you register the data on the mobile app. When you have all the files (from the scanner in my case), you connect the iPhone with the desktop Mac via wifi, open the destop application (PhotoExifDesktop) and transfer all the data inside the metadata file: camera, lens, film, time, aperture, notes, GPS (!), date and time.<br>

There is also a plugin for Lightroom able to change some metadata, it's called LensTagger, but in my opinion it has a narrower scope.</p>


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<p>I'm working on a Windoze machine as well, but further to what Howard M said above, see http://owl.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/#related_prog on Phil Harvey's EXIFtool site for information about various ways people have extended/automated the tool. I've written code in VBA that started from Michael Wandel's add-ons up there. Sorry to mention Visual Basic and thereby burn the eyes of anyone who uses a non-obsolete, reputable language. I'm old; what do you want? Anyway what I bodged together allows me to load into Excel the list of files in a given folder, populate/update about 10 key EXIF fields that I most care about, click "Go", and apply the added/modified EXIF fields to the files. I'm primarily a film guy, so typically I'm starting from a folder of 12 or 36 scanned files with no EXIF data (or useless EXIF data from my scanner) and keying in exposure notes made on paper (yes, <em>that</em>) in the field.<br>


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Hi there Sandro, Calista, and Dave.


Many thanks for your contributions.


I shall take a look at PhotoExif (iOS and OS X) and LensTagger (Lightroom plugin).


The lack of support for 3FR files is a stumbling block with many possible approaches. EXIFTool only supports these

Hasselblad files in Read mode (not Write). This seems to be the end of thoughts of updating the trully original data files

(i.e., the 3FR files).


I am beginning to consider strategies where I add the information to the files produced during post-processing. This

should be an easier, but less satisfying, task.


:-) ... MomentsForZen (Richard)

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