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Classic Manual Camera Weekend, Feb. 5

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<p>Sometimes we (myself included) might mount a classic lens on a camera that might be more at home in the modern film camera forum. For example, using a late 70's Canon FD lens on a mid 80's Canon T70. I've done the reverse for the next two photos: I decided to try my new Pentax 50mm f2.8 macro (which lives on my ZX-5 and K50) on the MX. After all, the lens does have an aperture ring and a fairly wide focusing ring. While the feel isn't quite like what I get with my Pentax M and A lenses, it wasn't bad.</p><div>00djEL-560623884.jpg.fb2424f3af71a05883a6afaf82e786da.jpg</div>
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<p>Hello everyone. Everyone can, and should, love a calico cat, and a 50's Ford, ahh, pure lust!<br /> Over here in Hawaii I ventured around the next town over from Waimanalo, Kailua, after a doctors appointment with the Vito and captured these three scenes. The Morning Brew is a shop well frequented by me, both am & pm, since they stay open til about 3 am with live entertainment Monday thru Saturday. Excellent sandwiches, folk & jazz and occasionally open mike comedy.<br /> If you ever come thru Kailua you might notice hordes of people (mostly tourists) cruzing about on fat tire bicycles, complete with front baskets and ringe-dinge's on the handlebars. These are rented by 5 or 6 shops like that in #2.<br /> #3. Just thought the signs were a bit Pythonesqe ! Aloha, Bill</p><div>00djGT-560626584.jpg.0e0d54f335a079f01a843a077d47e92f.jpg</div>
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<p>Those are plenty sharp, <strong>Bill</strong>... Here are three from a test film through a very nice little Konica SII Rangefinder with the wonderful Hexanon 48mm f/2 lens. I've just finished tidying it up, but more of that soon. Film was Ilford FP4 processed in PMK Pyro, scans from the Epson V700.</p><div>00djH9-560628084.jpg.c23346df3ad117026e690e70dcf45056.jpg</div>
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<p>A series with the following: Pentax H1a, <a href="http://www.pentaxforums.com/lensreviews/Super-Multi-Coated-TAKUMAR-Super-Takumar-105mm-F2.8.html">Super-Multi-Coated TAKUMAR/Super-Takumar 105mm F2.8,</a> TMax 400.</p>

<p><img src="https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlp1/t31.0-8/12469371_10204119115733123_927650547110346451_o.jpg" alt="" width="1638" height="2048" /></p>

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<p><img src="http://www.flibweb.nl/flibweb/cpg143/albums/userpics/10001/KG160102.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="532" /><br>

<img src="http://www.flibweb.nl/flibweb/cpg143/albums/userpics/10001/KG160108.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="532" /><br>

<br />105 year old Kodak Graphic No.0 (after repairing the curtain shutter and DIY-ing some 121 format spools).<br />Fixed-focus Zeiss Kodak Anastigmat f/6.3, 1/110th of a second at f/8.<br />Rerapan 100 film (16.5 minutes in 1+50 Rodinal at 20C)</p>

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<p>I ran a roll of store-brand C41 colour through the Pentax K2 to test out the new-to-me SMC Pentax-M 50mm f/1.4.<br>

Unfortunately, the local drugstore lab seems to be having some QC issues. If given lemons, make lemonade. So these got converted to black and white.</p><div>00djKQ-560635384.JPG.7b7235c3470f4ca90184749b194dc09f.JPG</div>

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<p>A bit wordy here. Someone gave me their kit of a Minolta Maxum 300i that I wasted my time with. I can not believe that Minolta put their name on it. So again I go to the archives.<br>

My father insisted on having a Kodak Royal 16 mm film camera but never bought a projector so our excitenet was for the family to crowd around film splicer/editor (I still have it). I found several rolls and scanned a few frames. This is me playing at 4 playing in the dirt.</p><div>00djPX-560648784.jpg.4acec3209d9bd857cba6758fc7d0508e.jpg</div>

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