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POTW 9/20/2015


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<p>Hi Folks.</p>

<p>We have two exchange students from Uruguay staying with us so the only photos I have this week are of them. A question for you though. I took some photos at the pool, the sun was low and to my back as I was shooting. The water droplets in the pool had all sorts of cool colors, reds, purples, golds, I can't say I've seen water droplets act like that before; I shot water plenty of times. Is it likely because of pool chemicals, the water itself, or something going on in my lens (Pentax 55-300 f5.8) that likely contributed to these interesting colors in the water droplets? Just wondering.<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/18091148-lg.jpg" alt="" width="548" height="597" /></p>

<p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/18091150-lg.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="598" /></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Outstanding action shots Doug. I believe the water colours were a combination of magic hour lighting and the reflection / refraction / dispersion of this soft colourful light through the droplets. Nicely captured. <br>

I have been experimenting with lighting this week as well; shooting football practice after dark with harsh man-made lighting, high ISO, and DA Limited primes (not tremendously fast but excellent glass). It was interesting trying to capture the players while placing emphasis on the time of day. Here are a few samples: </p><div>00dV3F-558526784.jpg.69887870221ca8c69654dab8a0cea64a.jpg</div>

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<p>Doug, I wonder about sunscreen in the water. Anyway, it is a nice effect. Duane, those shots are nice, although I see what you mean about tough lighting. Bob, looks like a lovely spot! I just have one to share, some mushrooms in my yard. I needed more DOF but we were in a hurry....</p><div>00dV4u-558529884.JPG.4e10420780eb9b5db149e65319dc69fa.JPG</div>
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<p>I just got back from a week in Portland teaching at a software seminar. <br /> Nice city! I always have a good time there. I did some road biking, walking around at night and spent quite a bit of time in conference rooms during the day. Use the K-S2 and mostly the DA 40. <br /> The OMSI Science center has this real decommissioned sub, the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Blueback_(SS-581)">USS Blueback</a>. I was staying in that Mariott across the river and OMSI is one of our software clients.<br /> K-S2 & DA 40 <br /> <a title="IMGP0758-Edit.jpg" href=" IMGP0758-Edit.jpg data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/659/21269104960_832808ff98_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0758-Edit.jpg" width="640" height="427" /></a><br /> .<br /> The brand new Tilikum Crossing bridge. <br /> K-S2 & DA 40<br /> <a title="IMGP0735.jpg" href=" IMGP0735.jpg data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5718/21270625069_b5b2baef9d_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0735.jpg" width="640" height="427" /></a><br /> .<br /> Hotel roof skylights<br /> K-S2 & DA 40<br /> <a title="IMGP0951-Edit" href=" IMGP0951-Edit data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/578/21573440992_e3ed84539a_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0951-Edit" width="640" height="427" /></a></p>
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<p>Now that my wife has a proper camera (K3ii) she comes along my photographic walkabouts and we share even more quality time, it's great<br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/sized_el%20gadjo%20copy_zpsb3t3aicb.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="681" /><br>

<strong>El Gadjo</strong> , an 8mm picture taken by Anjana<br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/sized_IMGP2083_zpsrmtuvfxq.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="674" /><br>

<strong>outbound</strong> (yes, you might be confused by what you see)<br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/sized_IMGP1735_tonemapped_zps2nx0xdg0.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="679" /><br>

"<strong>this must be Holland</strong>" I wasn't convinced myself, but this picture was liked a lot on the pentaxians page on facebook<br>



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