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Fungus on Epson v700

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i have an Epson v700 in top condition since 4 years and the pattern you can see you the pics was there since i got it from the shop. i didnt mind back than because it didn't have an effect on the scans, but as i was reading i read it might be fungus some days ago..<br>

or is it just Scaneritits? :)<br>

<br />its only on the plastic that drives up and down, the glass is perfect, so im wondering.. is this fungus?<br>

is it bad? and is it possible that i will spread on my other camera lenses?</p>

*i attached a pic<br /><br />

<p>thanks alot!<img src="https://img2.brain4.photobox.com/35930897e09f69be5f0d8b9015bfe4253e90d9472d5e5a6f32e523cd16e7b9abf426901b.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>Which is not a phenomenon that happens to glass or plastic. I can't tell from your image if this is on the plastic or the glass. If it's on the plastic of the carriage it may just be texture from the molding process. If it's on the glass it may just be outgassing that's collected on the inside of the glass over the years. I recently opened up my TPU and cleaned off the inside so it can be done relatively easily. If you don't see it in your scans I wouldn't worry about it. If you can't maintain a low-dust environment I would especially avoid worrying about it.</p>
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