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Multi focal length image viewer


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I would like a small device that I can look through to see what the

image looks like with a given lens. It would have a dial to select

the lens focal length: 24, 28, 35, 50, 100, 200 mm say. The whole

point is convenience when composing an image an choosing the right

lens. The quality need not be high as it is just an aid. In fact the

lenses could be moulded plastic. Anyone know if such a device exists?

(I use quite a few primes so please don't suggest get a zoom! A wide

range zoom just does not cut the mustard.)


I find it tedious getting my kit out, assembling it and then either

concluding that the scene does not work, or having to try various


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Look for a battered Leica VIOOH universal viewfinder on eBay. Nice mint- ones are 100UKP, but there are probably even more cosmetically damaged ones. Avoid the VIDOM finder as the image is left to right reversed - unless you like that sort of thing.
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Most of the variable accessory finders only cover 35mm to 135mm but they are convenient to carry. Some Japanese finders were made that go up to 200mm (Komura offered a 200mm lens), and Leica made a 28mm adapter for their unniversal finder. They currently offer a finder for 21/24/28 but it ain't cheap. Go for the Russian finder. Movie finders are callibrated for the coverage of focal lengths on 16 or 35mm movie formats, not 35mm still cameras. After awhile most photographers "just know" what lens will cover a scene and instinctively grab the right one. Practice, practice, practice!
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There's a Russian made accessory turret-finder that shows the field of view of 28, 35, 50, 85 and 135mm lenses. It was made to fit on the top accessory shoe of the Russian Leica and Contax rangefinder copies.<br>They're not too common these days, but there are still a few of them kicking around on the 2nd hand market.
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