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New Book for Quick & Easy Photo Retouching

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I've just published Digital Photo Magic (DPM), a new book that shares a method for combining free or inexpensive photo-editing Windows software apps, to "replace" the high-cost, high maintenance, PhotoShop route to good quality photo retouching and restoration.<br /><br />The goal is simple: a photo post-processing technique that is Fast, Easy-to-Learn, Cheap, and Good (produces quality work)!<br /><br />Book information:<br />Digital Photo Magic: Easy Image Retouching and Restoration for Librarians, Archivists, and Teachers, by Ernest Perez. Information Today, Inc., February 2016, $49.50. ISBN 978-1-57387-513-4.<br /><br />Praise from reviewers:<br />• “Packs all the points the novice digital manager needs into an easy-to-understand, yet comprehensive manual. Perez is excellent at explaining the step-by-step procedures for using digital imaging software, and not just the how, but the why in making processing choices.” - Bobbi Lane, author, Creative Techniques for Color Photography.<br /><br />• A no-nonsense approach covering ...useful topics and applications for librarians, educators, and archivists who have digital retouching projects ahead of them. They should save money by following the author's advice and have fun doing it!” Robert Correll, author, Photo Restoration: From Snapshots to Great Shots.<br /><br />• “A clear and concise must-read for anyone who scans, retouches, resizes, reformats, or manipulates digital images on a budget.” - Paula Berinstein, author, Finding Images Online.<br /><br /><br />It's a "professional" book, aimed at libraries, archives, museum, and educators. So, it ain't cheap! But, the publisher is offering a Pre-Publication Sale, before the mid-February distribution date, at a bargain price of $27.50.<br /><br />These informative links will get you fast information about the new DPM method:<br />• PrePublication Sale - <a href="http://books.infotoday.com/books/Digital-Photo-Magic.shtml" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://books.infotoday.com/books/Digital-Photo-Magic.shtml</a><br />• Amazon.com book listing - <a href="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=as_li_ss_tl?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=978-1-57387-513-4&pldnSite=1&linkCode=sl2&tag=update4dpmcom-20&linkId=a8fb7f2e08310e429046a0a342513b4d" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=as_li_ss_tl?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=978-...</a><br />• Sample chapter - <a href="http://books.infotoday.com/books/Digital-Photo-Magic/Digital-Photo-Magic--Chapter-4.pdf" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://books.infotoday.com/books/Digital-Photo-Magic/Digital-Photo-Magic--Chapter-4.pdf</a><br />• <a href="http://update4dpm.com/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://Update4dpm.com</a> – An update source and user discussion website hosted for DPM users.<br /><br />I hope you are interested in my DPM idea. It's a practical and and easy approach to improving or restoring photo images for many purposes.

<br /><img src="http://static.uglyhedgehog.com/upload/2016/1/15/1452901034631-dpm_book.jpg" alt="" />

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