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W/NW Pic O' The Week #43


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<p>Friday rolls around fast. Time to post your favorite pic. Last week had some great quality, but quantity was lacking. So don't be shy, put them up! I'l start with one of the only times I used a Leica IIIF with the old collapsable Elmer. A pan shot at the Grove in L.A. Let see yours! <img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/34/73716664_3baea0cccc_o.gif" alt="" /></p>
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<p>Exquisite photo, Charlie!<br /><br />It's a slow week and I want to pitch in even though I've been shooting mostly large format. This is from a cabin at an abandoned summer camp I found.</p>

<p><em>Chamonix 045F1 / 150mm Sironar-N / FP4+ / Pyrocat-HD / N+2</em><br /><br />Please click <strong><a href=" Drapes at Camp Taylor rel="nofollow">here</a></strong> to view larger on Flickr.</p><div>00dYZy-558993284.jpg.e7f8377786230745bfc2d65fc6727dae.jpg</div>

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<p>This was my first photo with 4x5. The scan is poor and there's only a hint of the detail that can be seen on the negative with a loupe. On a lightbox you can count leaf veins and they appear clearly, sharply delineated. Also, there's printable density in the blown out part of the scan. I didn't realize how much detail was lacking with a scanner until I compared this negative to a scan. </p>

<p><em>Chamonix 045F1 / 150mm Sironar-N / Orange Filter / FP4+ / Pyrocat-HD</em><br /><br />Please click <strong><a href=" Fall on Bull Creek rel="nofollow">here</a></strong> to view larger on Flickr. It can be expanded to 100%.<br>



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<p>Thank you, Charlie! I have an affinity to this group because this was my earliest and primary source for photo & camera information. I don't really know folks in the other groups unless they cross post here. This group has a warm, even chummy, feeling to me.</p>
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<p>Thanks, E! I'm getting more adept at operating the camera. I can't stop the strange looks folks give me though. I'm willing to bet that <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/17vo3i/the_thong_cyclistaustins_punxsutawney/">Thong Guy</a> gets less stares than I do! One thing that has happened is that I am getting spoiled by movements and wish all cameras had them. </p>

<p>That's very generous, Barry. You know, if I'm not thinking about rangefinders I'm at least thinking about my rangefinder droogs.</p>

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