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Classic Manual Camera Weekend, Jan. 8

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<p>As some time zones are already experiencing Friday, Jan. 8 (aka the weekend), we'll get our weekend thread started. Our 365 day thread for 2016 is off to a healthy start, but do consider posting that "fourth" image there when there is an "opening".<br>

Posting some color this weekend as I got back a few rolls from Dwaynes.</p><div>00dfsX-560120184.jpg.a5b59917e9bdffb8a2855438950a0544.jpg</div>

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<p>Hello everyone, and best wishes for 2016. I haven't posted in a few months, due to time constraints, but did have the time to go through some rolls of film. This first one was taken with the Rolleiflex, using a Rolleinar 2, in the fall. The late afternoon sun hit the oil lamp in a beautiful way, and I had very little time to compose and focus the take, before the sun had shifted position.</p>


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<p>Next is one is from a Minolta XE-5, and a Macro Rokkor 50mm lens - Christmas came early, in November! This was taken using the macro extension tube on the lens, and is as close as I could focus, giving a 1:1 image on the negative. Film is TriX.</p>


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<p>Last but not least, again using the XE-5 and the Rokkor 50, but without the extension tube.<br>

This is a beautiful lens, and the ability to focus quite close, coupled with the macro extension tube, is fantastic. It's opening up possiblities that seem to be just about endless.<br>

Film is HP5. All films were developped in Xtol 1:1. Negatives scanned on an Epson 600.</p><div>00dfv4-560126484.jpg.d4435e72e4702da752f1173b1aa3b748.jpg</div>

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<p>Picked up a Yashica FX-7 that I had laying around. recovered it with a nice soft leather suede from a Russian and Barkeeper's friend is great for metal. I tried using meter but seems off by 2 stops so did most guestimating with 16 rule which come out much better. Portra 800 to see how that comes out.Adaptal 2 35-80 mm lens. Not quite sure what Adaptal lens is</p>
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