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Please help me upload.


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<p>Hi, I have been trying for days to upload my photos and can't find an explanation or tutorial. Everything I have read says to click on upload a single photo, which I have done but it gives me an error page. So I have clicked on upload photos and thought I was uploading a pic, however, I can't find it anywhere. When I click on add a caption, it says I don't have any photos uploaded. Would love some detailed help. Thanks so much!!!</p>
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<p>I've never done this before: I keep my pictures at Flickr (bigger than they can be here!), and link to them if I need to. I tried it out with a random picture, and had no trouble:<br /> I went to 'My workspace', and from there to 'Your portfolio management page'. Then I clicked on 'Basic single photo uploader'. That gave me a button marked 'Browse' from which I selected a file (which is a <strong>jpg</strong>: that may matter!)<br /> I guess you must have cookies enabled, you must be logged in, and you must be allowing script on photo.net. I am using Firefox, if that helps; I have the NoScript add-on, but have allowed cookies and script for photo.net. Depending on what browser you are using, how you control these things may differ from my case.<br /> Good luck!<br>

<br />(I discovered I already had two <em>followers</em>: why would I have followers before I even have pictures to look at?)</p>

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<p>My workspace<br /> Manage your portfolio<br /> Basic single photo uploader<br /> Choose file<br /> (Browse to appropriate file)<br /> Open<br /> Add this photo<br /> Save</p>

<p>(Edit: I just realized that's essentially the same as Pete posted an hour ago. My mistake.)</p>

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