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FDn lens mount problem ?


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<p>Sold a Canon AV-1 body recently and a Canon 50mm F1.8 FDn lens. I have far too many vintage Canon A, F, and T SLR film bodies. Both camera and lens were tested by a technician at Authorized Camera Repair in Willow Grove, PA. I had no qualms about selling this camera. The foam and seals were very good, there was no squeal, it was a nice set up. The lens had also been attached on an AL-1 body and it mounted on and off fine. The buyer is now telling me "I received the item but there is an issue that the lens does not lock on the camera mount (The lens release button does not pop out)." I've never had this problem. I am wondering if putting the rear lens cap on this lens before I shipped it out caused this issue ? I have never had a Canon FDn lens mounting problem ever with Canon bodies, either A, F, or T. While I prefer the original silver ring FD breech mount lenses from Canon, I have no issue with the FDn lens and have about 7 FDn's in my arsenal. Never a problem. My question: has anyone had this problem - where the lens release button does not pop out ? <br /></p>
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<p>thank you Steven. This person is saying the lens never mounts. He is implying the lens just slides on and off the camera mount yet he claims to have a lot of experience with Canon FD and FDn lenses. I wanted to ask him what he was smoking when he was attempting to mount the lens but of course I did not. I do not know how a lens could just "slide" over the Camera with the metal tabs. He's not offering too much info. I've contacted E bay and was told if the lens does come back to me in some way modified the buyer does not get a refund. The lens was sold with a Canon AV-1 and he does like the camera however so I am beginning to wonder if his problem is legit.</p>
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<p>well, according to my friend the button is just stuck so I didn't advise pulling it or using more force. He's been using FDn lenses for a long time. Just 4 years. Ok ... he's sending it back to me and I'll send him another. He's from Southeast Asia, and we did have a bit of a communication problem but once I got in synch talking to him via phone he was fine. And he was describing it exactly as the square lock button would not come out. It went ok after all and I was glad he took the initiative to call me. I did have to do a math problem for him though, he wanted a replacement lens on E bay which he claimed would run 75 dollars, and he wanted a 75 dollar refund for a 49 dollar BIN item. Now that one deserved a good eye roll !</p>
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<p>FWIW, I think I've had an FD lens or two in which the button was a little sticky, but that didn't interfere with the function of the lens.<br>

Sounds like your buyer wanted to make a few dollars out of the deal. It's surprising that people can be so petty. When you get your return, you might make sure the serial numbers match up with the lens you sent . . . </p>


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<p>I have a brand new 50mm 1.8 FDn lens that was found in a storage garage in Alaska, completely sealed, with all paperwork t ... I was the first person to use it ! It was produced in the very late 80s. The person who sold it to me explained it was NOS from a high school film photo class that was never used ... guess what ! the lock button sticks occasionally ... does the lens stay on ? As that famous lady governor from Alaska once say "You Betcha !". The button might stay depressed but the lens STILL works and stays on secure. The buyer first wanted another 50mm F 1.8 then he wanted me to send him 75 dollars so he could buy another lens. Keep in mind the entire auction for the Canon AV-1 body, 50mm FDn lens, A winder, lens hood, all body and lens caps sold for a BIN price of 49.95 with free shipping. The last time I checked, OFAS was an auction site not a give away center. I may realize about 41 dollars after postage and commissions are subtracted. Now he wants a total refund BEFORE he ships the entire auction back, so I will contact E bay in the morning and tell them what was discussed. Refunds are issued only after auction items are returned. I attempted to talk with him this afternoon but he has a very heavy accent and it was difficult. I did understand quite clearly the request for 75 dollars though. That to me sounds like a swindle. I'll keep you all posted. Lots of bogus buyers out there. Beware. For Paul Wheatland ... I have not used my personal AV-1 in a year and I seem to forget if that is one of the bodies that will not allow FDn lens to mount or if it's the AL-1 QF. I will research that now before I climb into bed and advise OFAS in the morning. Thank you for listening to my tale of woe you all have been very helpful. </p><div>00dUPO-558436784.jpg.adc947b1bf750bb128f7d732724cbccd.jpg</div>
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<p>I've been selling on eBay for 16 years and -- <strong>without exception</strong> -- the folks who receive an item then complain something is amiss have been from SE Asia. They ask for money or threaten negative feedback. I played their game once and from that point on I let them post the feedback.</p>

<p>Emphasis: without exception!</p>

<p>I no longer sell to SE Asia.</p>

<p>My wife is from Thailand and I won't even repeat on this forum what she says about business ethics in that part of the world ...</p>

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<p>on the phone with E bay right now. Interesting my service rep is from Southeast Asia and I was wondering if I could get a neutral party. Well, no to that thought. So I hung up and called back. Before I could continue I was asked my name which is an authorized party the new rep said he didn't see that (e Bay NEVER updates their records, so I hung up and called and did a Bruce / Caitlyn Jenner thing and it went ok after that - both bizarre and hilarious) The buyer who does not understand the lens must be removed from the "A" for proper exposure wants a partial return - just the lens. E bay has advised their protection policy is void if I accept just one of the auction items so I have requested EVERYTHING to be returned. If the buyer refuses I will probably lose the items but I will get a total refund. If the items are returned damaged the claim is escalated. I have serial numbers to verify what I shipped too. It was established in my futile conversation yesterday the buyer has 4 Canon 50mm 1.8 lenses in his collection already so it is obvious he just did not want this lens. E bay did say it's "all or nothing". He can't ask for one item to be replaced. So that did make me feel a tad better. We'll see how this dog and pony show turns out. I have persevered with e Bay for years why I must be masochist. For Carl Follstad: my buyer was from Virginia actually but is originally from SE Asia. Whether they are outside or inside the US it has been my experience they have the same venue. Cheat and Fraud.</p>
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