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best book to learn 70d


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<p>I just received my new 70d w/ 18-135 is stm lens a few days ago. My last camera was an Elan 2E film camera that died 7 years ago. I'm realizing how much I've got to learn with this new camera. I remember learning how to use Windows 95 way back with Windows 95 for Dummies. It was actually fun. Is the EOS 70D for Dummies a decent way to learn the features of this camera or is there a different book that would be better? The manual that came with the 70d isnt all that great.<br>

Also, does anybody know why Canon did away with eye-controlled focus? I thought that was the neatest feature. I'm sure the better photographers thought it was just a gimmick but it worked great for me, even though I wear glasses. <br>

I also remember the Elan had 3 focus modes, One-Shot, AI-Servo and AI Focus. Is there anything corresponding settings on the 70d? The focus setting on the 70d don't seem to be as intuitive.This camera has a lot of awesome features, but I almost feel like this is a "downgrade" from my old camera. Thanks for any input.</p>

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There are several books on the 70D, check Amazon.com for reviews/prices. Canon's writing style for their manuals are not always so intuitive. I had David Busch's book when I bought a 40D and that was easier to read and understand. When I moved to a 6D I found out that a lot of camera books are basically written before the cameras area actually released and sometimes have mistakes. The urge seems to get the camera on the market as quick as possible, so you have to wonder if the authors even handled the camera.


I am sure your 70D has the three focus modes you mentioned. It may take a push of a button and rotation of a dial to change metering, focusing, ISO, etc.


The 70D is a fine camera and I would say it is definitely not a downgrade. It took me awhile to realize the capabilities of a digital camera, having spent many years with a film camera. Give yourself some time and I am sure you will agree.

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