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Chipped Adapters-EMF


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<p>I am currently testing chipped adapters for EOS-SLR and DSLRs due to multiple problems which occured during the use of my first three ones with Dandelion and EMF-chips.<br>

The problems were:<br />a) mechanical<br>

b) electronical or a combination<br>

c) bad uncomplete instructions.<br>

I will use M42 and Contax/Yashica-lenses(Zeiss,Yashica,Sigma) but have also nikon-EOS-ones. <br>

Since i cant name everything in one thread-it would confuse-i am starting with my EMF-adapters and the optixpcb-all M42-EOS.<br>

<br />1. it seems its impossible to produce perfect chipped-adapters.<br>

when testing my latest two, latest was a pixco, one has only a bit play which was enough that aperture will fall back to F00. so i seperated it and will never use again. Maybe one can use it in emergencies but maybe this problem may interrupt programming.<br>

2. EMF-instructions<br>

In official instructions: How to setup the emf adapter for canon eos digital cameras<br>

a)they do not mention that +-button must be pressed to change aperture.<br>

b) start is with a combination f64 f57 f64 finishing with f57 f54 f57 with shooting inbetween in M-mode 1/60<br>

I dont know if AF-setting is relevant. one shot mode AI-servo etc.<br />in dandelion-chip its relevant relating to focussing-accuracy in low-light.<br>

3. Is there a Trap-function in EMF? I can trigger all the time<br />4. Is it possible to focus-confirm in livemode?<br />5. i am getting new adapters-unchipped: reason is finding out which one is fitting EOS-Contax/Yashica.<br>

its a big problem. Dont ever use the actual once from optixpcb. its a lottery and maybe lens will fall down.<br>

i will come to that when having found the ring adapter. Do you have the perfect one? I know the one from novoflex. but its affordable alternative. <br>

dpreview has now a special forum about that, but they kicked me out-without warning(for the second time first with europanorama then with 3dreal then with real name). second time because i mentioned getting optixpcb. first time because i multiple times mentioned genious fotowand-cards(tiny one-man-company in germany since 35 years!<br>

now they asked if i would consider reentering. they kicked me out three times since i had accidentally these account. again when they found out i was coming back the second time. =awful amazon-dictatorship</p>

<p> </p>

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