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For critique: Have a go

Allen Herbert

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Nice picture Allen. Since it looks like a setup I would have gone a little further. It is evident that the little guy won't be able to stretch his arm enough to reach the slot to post the tax return, I would have brought a box or something for him to stand on and maybe have him stand on his tip toes to reach the slot. I believe that would make it more comical. Technically I don't see any problems. Let's see what the other folks will have to say.


Regards, Tony

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As a "here is my kid doing something cute" kind of photo I can relate to it (heck that's practically all I shoot).


But if it I were to be really critical...I would have to say that I'm not crazy about the cropped foot, the fact that his face is mostly in profile (I wish it were turned more) and that it also appears a bit soft.


But of course kids are the most willing models either.



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Capturing motion with a still photo is difficult without messing up the whole thing. Here you managed to convey the relative rapid movement of the envelope while only getting soft focus on the child. That a big plus. But I also would like to see more of his face, even though I realize he is supposed to be concentrating on the job at hand. Putting him on a box would turn it into a cute photograph, unless the kid himself invented some unusual way of doing it. What you have set up here is the "big question" or mystery, if you will, about whether or not he can make it. I don't think so, but I'm not sure. And that make the photo more interesting. Color, etc. are beautiful as expected from Leica (and makes me want to buy the lens and scanner you used.) So, I liked it for all those reasons.

What film was it?

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Nice shot Allen, the little one is cute as can be. IMO, if you had the child

turn its' head I doubt the shot would've worked.


My only comment is that the image is too big to view on screen without

scrolling. When you resize a shot to a J-peg, set the resolution at 72 dpi

and set the size of the long side of the image to 500 dpi . That way it'll

post straight up as a visable image right with your words.

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"But of course kids are the most willing models either

'xcuse me? :)"



Yeah, should have been "kids AREN"T the most willing models either".



And believe me I know. I have an 8 year old that allows me exactly 3 seconds to get a shot off. You can't imagine how many shots I have of the the moment after the decisive moment.

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If you crop to just below the boy's elbow, you'll find the eye goes directly to the boy's hand and the envelope, which is the most important part of the photo. I like the branches in the frame....it gives a bit more of a candid feel to it.


You also might try converting it to black and white and add a bit more contrast. Photos with motion often look better in B&W.

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Thanks! for the critique. Steve, i liked your crop. Yes,it does make the photo more candid: there is something abour BW for candid photography..it draws the eye. The photo was not 'set-up' in the sense of the word,however, it is a pretty obvious shot. He tried twice to reach the letterbox, then he threw the letter over some bushes. I think the title 'sucks' and needs more thought and imagination. Marc,ever helpful...thanks.
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