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Bias against death and decay in nature photography?


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I think there is a strong bias against death and decay in photography.Does anyone remember a few years ago

National Geographic had an article with photos that detailed the death of a sickly moose? I remember in next

months issue the response was quite negative in reader mail, with people accusing the photographer of being

sadistic. I thought the piece was brilliant, and showed us a side of nature we rarely get to see. That said I am

pretty neutral on the death issue in photography, but I can understand why people don't hang great death pictures

on their walls, its pretty depressing. We can try to be as philosophical about it as we want, but at the end of

the day death sucks, and most of us do not want to be reminded of it. Its pretty bizarre I think, since humans

are so fascinated by violence.


I agree with Gary though, I prefer nature photography that tells a story. Sadly when I travel I never stay in one

place long enough to explore the idea, but someday I want to, even if its the life of a Anole lizard in my backyard.

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