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Af Problem with 24-105 Usm F4


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<p>Hello guys, I would really appreciate if anyone could help me to diagnose what on earth is happening with my Canon 24-105 usm f4.<br>

The lens is taking up to 7 seconds to lock into focus from infinity! and is doing this on my camera and on another camera i tested it on. This is what I have done so far 1: Cleaned the contact on the lens and on the camera. 2: Turn on the IS on and OFF 3: When the zoom is all the way to 105mm it take around 4 to 7 focusing on the subject 4: The camera is totally fine. 5: But when focusing from "Macro" it works fast with no issues at any zoom range. 6: Again the problem happens when focusing from infinity! <br>

Any help is welcome Thanks!</p>

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<p>Like Alan, I think you probably have to send it to Canon or take it to a reputable repair shop. I've never had a lens behave like this. A bad contact would probably cause the lens to fail to focus or to focus intermittently, but I can't see why it would make the lens behave differently at different focal lengths. I'd be willing to bet that either the USM motor or the electronics controlling it is shot.</p>
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<p>I have the problem with my 24-105mm L lens that auto focusing works fine, but manual focus does not work (thanks to airline baggage mis-handling). I sent it in to Canon and they quoted me a price of $503 to fix it. So, I had the lens returned without repair. Considering that new 24-105mm L lenses are going for about $600 from reputable dealers on eBay, I did not consider having manual focus on this lens worth the cost of repair.</p>
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