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Nikon D40X playing up, possibly battery, please help!


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I've had the battery on charge for errr a few weeks now (ahem, if not longer). Forgot about it (naughty girl, I know!) When trying to use it today, it worked ok for about half an hour but then started saying the battery is low. Also found that I couldn't take the battery out, was completely stuck and only a strong sticky tape helped prise it.<br>

Does it sound like I buggered up the battery, it seems to have warped/expanded if it was stuck, though can't see anything obvious. I'm hoping it's that, rather than the camera playing up!<br>

many thanks in advance!<br />Larisa</p>

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<p>Pull it out and put one of your other batteries in. You do have more than one battery, don't you?<br /><br />OK, I know that's a little snarky. But one of the first rules in Digital Photography 101 is that you have to have extra batteries. Being able to figure out whether a problem like this is the camera or the battery is one of the many reasons.</p>
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<p>It's not uncommon for an overheated battery to bulge, although the charger is supposed to avoid damage when doing this; I suppose it's possible the battery could return to shape as it cools when you're not using it. It's not leaking, is it? That would be dangerous, and you should definitely dispose of it if so. I'm more worried about the battery being stuck (which suggests a mechanical issue) than it running flat quickly. I'd have a look inside the battery compartment with a torch, for residue - if there's anything there, I'd wipe it with a cotton bud rather than risk anything corroding.</p>

<p>A replacement (presumably not original, but under the circumstances...) D40x battery seems to be about the price of a burger on a popular auction site. (Not that I checked how much the auction site charges for burgers.) Worth getting one just for diagnostics? I'm sure any repair place would charge more to look at the camera, and you could always re-auction the battery if your camera has died...</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

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<p>Hi Craig and Andrew,<br>

Thank you for replying and sorry for the panic attack. Yep, the spare was charging, I should have been more patient. I just tried it, seems ok so far. Comes out no problem, phew...<br>

The other one doesn't seem to be leaking but I'll just replace it to be safe. Will teach me not to have the charger abandoned under the desk..<br>

And not snarky at all (my fault anyway)<br>

thank you both again,<br />Larisa</p>

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<p>I've been known to forget and leave a battery in the charger for a couple of days, but have never done it for a few weeks. You would think for what they charge for all of this stuff that it would automatically cut off before it could do any damage. Glad to hear things worked out. And that you have a spare. :)</p>
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<p>"Does it sound like I buggered up the battery" - Yep! Or if the battery is the same age as the D40x, then it was probably overdue to turn its toes up anyway.</p>

<p>I'd definitely throw away (or recycle to be eco-friendly) a bulging Li-Ion battery. It'll never recover IME and the only solution is replacement. Giving very short service time is a sure sign of a Li-Ion reaching the end of its life. The camera should be fine with a new power source.</p>

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<p>"You would think for what they charge for all of this stuff that it would automatically cut off before it could do any damage." Quite! A marketing ploy perhaps?<br>

"or recycle to be eco-friendly" Where's the best place to recycle?<br>

I've had a quick look, the cheaper ones are about a tenner, but have bad reviews. The proper Nikon one is £46! Does that sound about right? My other half got me the camera and batteries eight years ago but doesn't remember what he paid for it.<br />Any suggestions appreciated :)<br>


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