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Hassy H3D Lens


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<p>I am finding myself getting vey confused about the Hasselblad lens system and would like to ask for some advice, which non auto focus lens work with the H3D, if there are any. If not can I get an adapter that will allow me to attach other lens to the body.<br>

Not worried about auto focus, I bought this camera beacause it has a full sized sensor and captures 39 megs.<br>

I have spent a number of hours trying to find this info online but the information is very vague.</p>

<p>Finally I hope I have not breached the forum rules?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>David May</p>

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<p>You will find all the required info on the Hasselblad website. Hasselblad offers an adapter that allows the use of all Hasselblad V-lenses with leaf shutter. This means all the C-, CF, CB-, CFE- and CFi-lenses. You can't use the F- and FE-lenses and the lenses made for Hasselblad 1000F and 1600F.</p>
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Dave, what do you mean with "full sized sensor"? Iif you mean full frame, the HD3-39 it is not (talking of medium format cameras): it is

only 36 x 48 mm compared to 41 x 54 mm (with some little variation by different manufacturer: 40 x 56, etc.) of a full frame sensor.

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