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Any T6s users yet?


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<p>Hello everyone,<br>

Anyone bought the T6s (760D) yet?<br>

Any comments?<br>

Planning to upgrade from a 10 years old XTI (400D).<br>

Still deliberating if going to the T6s, or 70D, or even the 7D Mrk II.<br>


J-P Dupre</p>

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<p>Don't call it 10 yet, it was only announced by Canon in August of 2006! :)</p>

<p>Seriously though, if you're happy with the size of the XTi, a T6s would be a fine upgrade. The 70D is going to be larger and heaver and the 7D II larger and heaver still. Both are stellar cameras, but if size/weight are important then the T6s is going to be the best drop-in replacement.</p>

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<p>Judging by the specs of the new Rebel, that would be quite an upgrade.</p>

<p>I personally would get the 7DII over the 760D for its superior viewfinder. It's a true pentaprism rather than a pentamirror, and gives 100% rather than 95% coverage. It also has a vastly superior AF system (the best, I believe, of any Canon DSLR), dual processors, a higher maximum shutter speed and burst rate, and is much better built. (However, it's resolution is a little lower than the Rebel's.)</p>

<p>If none of this matters to you, save yourself some money and get the 760D.</p>

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<p>Nope, but it looks like a nice camera! Most of the features of the 70D but slightly smaller and lighter and minus DPAF, pentaprism, etc. You can't go wrong with the IQ any of those models. However--if it were me--I'd make the choice based on how it feels in hand, viewfinder quality, etc. For example, if you use larger lenses they'll balance better on the 7D2 but if you're a pancake shooter the T6s will likely feel more natural. I choose the 70D over the 7D2 because I like using the touchscreen for focus selection and pulls during video, not to mention the articulating screen. The movie servo feature is amazing if you use multiple unmanned cameras during sessions.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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  • 2 months later...



I hope I'm not violating any rules by opening up an old thread, but I have this same question. I haven't posted in a long time, as work and

life have kept me too busy to shoot much beyond vacation. :(


I have a rebel XSI from 2008. Last year I started to notice focus issues. I think it's the camera or one of my lenses as I'm getting more

shots that are a bit blurry, even in daylight. (For instance, took a photo across the room of my nephew and uncle at a gathering. Items to

the side are in full sharp focus they are blurry.)


I won a $500 gift card at work that I've been saving to put toward a new camera. Was debating moving up a step, but I really hate the

idea of extra weight. I prefer landscapes and other scenic shots so probably fine with a Rebel and eventually, better lenses. I've done fine

with two kit lenses up till now.


Unfortunately, earlier this summer, my camera took a tumble with my 55-250 on it, so now I need to replace that, too. It was my favorite

lens so I'm a little bummed. (It was also the lens where I noticed the most issue with the blurred photos; however I do think it's the camera

and not the lens.)


Anyway, I will probably venture up to the Canon factory this fall and have them take a look at both camera and lens before purchasing,

but I think it's time for an upgrade anyway. I'd like a better LCD and more low-light options. I've also considered the new mirrorless canon

but haven't really looked into it yet. My sister has the Sony mirrorless and in truth it's not that much smaller than my current camera and

at a quick glance, I didn't think it produced pictures that were any better than my XSI. (It's a little hard to judge because she doesn't know

how to use the manual settings so for her it's more of a P&S.)


Anyone using the T6s, or have thoughts on the mirrorless Canon just announced? Thanks in advance for any info.!

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Thanks...good point; should probably get a new one. However if it happens to be a cheap fix, I could upgrade to something else in the

future instead of buying another inexpensive lens. Plus my copy was really very good. Bummer.


But the real question is the camera....haven't seen too many postings on it yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...
<p>Have been greatly impressed by the quality of digital images produced by a new <em>Rebel</em> T6s. After ten-plus years of being almost satisfied with the snapshots produced by pocket-size digital cameras, the big 6000x4000 image files produced by the T6s seem to be stunningly large and packed with detail. They remind me of Kodachrome images from forty-odd years ago. It is just over one month since delivery of the camera, so I'm still learning the new-to-me features of this up-to-date digital SLR. The most challenging pictures so far attempted have been high-speed grandchildren at the playground - T6s' quick and accurate auto focus and accurate metering allow me to concentrate on framing. Some of the results have been quite pleasing.<br /> As I already have a 1990-vintage EF 70-210 f4 lens (formerly paired with a long retired EOS-1), I nearly talked myself into a one lens T6s kit with the EF-S 18-135 IS STM lens. Happily, the calculation that including the EF-S 55-250 IS STM lens added less than $100.00 to the price of the kit prevailed. The newer (55-250) lens doesn't have the 'built like a tank' feel of the old EF 70-210 lens, but it also doesn't weigh as much and it seems to be very nearly as sharp as the older larger 70-210 lens. Image Stabilization coupled with the modern range of high available ISO settings tends to compensate for the newer lens's smaller maximum aperture.</p>
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