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28mm ASPH pics


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Some may accuse me of being a traditionalist but...Stewart, I think I can safely say that these (along with your Afghanistan series) are the best photos posted here in a long time (in my humble opinion anyway). Perhaps not so much so individually, but as photo essays. I only wish the image files were larger. Kudos.
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I want to be careful and not imply anything negative in my comments. I looked at this thread in part with interest because I am looking for a reason/excuse to trade up from 28 Elmarit to the Summicron. I liked these pictures but I didn't get much sense that I couldn't have done them with the elmarit. Also, for me, the two best pictures in the series were the ones taken with the 50 and maybe the migrant sleeping was the only one that really used the 28 advantageously. I used to go to a bookstore in Japan Town in San Francisco and look at the Japanese Photo magazines. I think the Japanese photographers are some of the best in the world at using wide angles. Maybe that is because of their relationship to small living spaces. I hope that this is not taken as negative criticism, mostly just my usual rambling and wondering. I did enjoy the pictures and appreciate that you posted them. Cheers.

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There is no reason whatsoever why any of these images couldnt have been taken with the elmarit!!... in fact quite a few in the Afghan series were taken with the elmarit..


I traded the elmarit because of the extra stop...at first i did wonder whether i did the right thing.... thought about selling it, changed my mind and glad i did!


The beauty of the asph is that you have the extra stop and at f2 the results will be what you expect of a lense of this price!


Anyway.. positive and negative comments are all welcome!

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Gil, there is no point of evaluating lens quality or comparing them just by looking at scanned images on computer screens, unless we have enlarged images putting side by side. A recent nice job was done by Andy who compared different versions of 35's.


I prefer the 28 'Cron (still saving up $$$ for it)because of the extra stop and the "relatively" reasonable price premium over Elmarit. Upgrade or not, a pure subjective decision if you don't need the one extra stop.

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I agree completely that a 28 Summicron is what I need and want, as much as I try to talk myself out of it. I have 5 28mm equivalent lenses - 3 primes and 2 zooms, and none of them will do what the 28 cron will do. I guess I'll just have to prioritize one soon even though I keep saying my next purchase(s) will be digital. BTW Delta just sent me an email about Leica specials where they said they have 3 of them grey market for $1551 ea. Good luck.

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I liked how they were all sleeping; I thought that was amusing...


I heard once that the 28mm Summicron blocked off the sensor at the back of the screen on the M6 and the M7; is this true or can you still meter through the lens?


Also, Stewart, did you print and develop these pictures and their negatives yourself in a darkroom?

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