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shipping slides

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<p>I have 2 large cardboard boxes containing several smaller boxes of slides (stored in 5 black plastic storage boxes) to be shipped from TX to AZ. All the slides are 35mm, mounted in GEPE glass mounts, then stored in plastic sheets. Plastic sheets are then stored in the black boxes. How likely is it that the hot weather/temp inside a carrier's truck will harm the slides?<br>

Thx, Jim</p>

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<p>Back in the days of sending film off to Kodak for processing, slides came back through the regular mail, with no more protection than the the tiny cardboard box that held them. And even professionals sending slides to clients send them by mail in plastic pages between a couple of sheets of cardboard inside a manila envelope. So no, heat and humidity should not be an issue.<br /><br />What I would worry about would be loss or damage. Glass mounts might be OK when handled carefully while in your own possesion. But they were a big no-no when sending slides to publishers because they could crack, either in shipping or at the publisher, and cut or scratch the film.<br /><br />Sounds like you're talking hundreds, maybe thousands of slides. That's a lot to lose if one of your boxes goes astray. I would break them up into smaller batches to minimize any potentional loss. And I would use tracking and insure them heavily -- maybe $500 a box. The insurance isn't to compensate you if they get lost but so the carrier will handle them more carefully and keep better track of them. I forget the dollar theshold, but I was told years ago that UPS and FedEx have special handling and tracking procedures for packages insured above a certain level to help make sure that the package gets through OK and that they don't end up having to pay an insurance claim.</p>
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