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Losing Color in Animated Gif

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<p>Hey there,</p>

<p>I'm trying to make a two frame animation for the attached two images via save for web. When I try, I lose the blue eyes.<br /><br />I've never put much study into the controls on the save for web interface. Is there something that I'm missing?<br /><br />Thanks,<br>


<p> </p><div>00dNxa-557565384.jpg.089f4c5732e967d65593567c2f063313.jpg</div>

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<p>Not really a direct answer, but I'd reconsider whether animated GIF is really the way to go, as with only 256 colours the first image won't come out great. If it's just two frames that need to switch, there are simple pieces of javascript to do that (for example http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/javascript/article.php/3881826 ), and you can use JPEG or PNG which are both more efficient at larger sizes than GIF too, and no weird issues with selective color palettes that GIF suffers.<br>

Since I do not use full-blown recent photoshop, I cannot try for myself, but wouldn't using the eyedropper tool on the eyes work to add the blue to the color palette?</p>

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