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Hi all, just bought a Canon P… and I think there's a problem

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<p>Hi,<br /> I should have joined this forum a long time ago as I've been reading threads here for a long time but I've never really had anything to add.<br /> Unfortunately though, I've just bought a Canon P in fantastic condition and the viewfinder isn't matching up when focussing. Everything seems to move as it should on it's horizontal plane, but the vertical is out a bit and it's making focussing quite difficult.<br /> I ordered it from, what seems to be, a quite respectable seller from Japan (on The Auction Site). I haven't even loaded film in it yet, just popped on my Jupiter 8 and had a bit of a play when I noticed it.<br /> (My fully functional Zorki 4K thinks this is hilarious…)<br /> Does this mean the finder has separated? Have I just bought a really nice looking paperweight, or is this something fixable? Thanks for your input!<br />.<br /> <img src="http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o289/dazzypig/IMG_5015.jpg" alt="" width="709" height="531" /></p>
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<p>The rangefinder probably has just gone out of alignment over the years. It's a relatively straightforward adjustment. If you're mechanically inclined and willing to accept the risk, you could perform the adjustment yourself. If not, take it to a camera repair shop you trust. Check out the following links for more info:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.photoethnography.com/ClassicCameras/CanonP.html">http://www.photoethnography.com/ClassicCameras/CanonP.html</a><br /><a href="http://pentax-manuals.com/repairs.htm">http://pentax-manuals.com/repairs.htm</a><br>

<a href="http://www.rangefinderforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95958">http://www.rangefinderforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95958</a></p>

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<p>Ah, I've just done some more playing and I'm ok!<br>

Looks like I was just being a pleb. It would appear that the finder on my Zorki is a little more forgiving as to where you choose to view it, the canon requires a little more care. <br>

Everything's fine, and I finally joined this place too!<br>

Thanks Gordon!</p>

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<p>Have you experienced problems with Jupiter 8 lenses on Leicas and Canons? My experience is that these focus quite reliably (petrified lubricant is something else again on the silver J-8's). </p>

<p>Its the Jupiter 3 and Jupiter 9 lenses that have been a problem for me.</p>

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<p>Hi Brian,<br>

Thanks, I'll double check that. I've got an Industar 61L/D on the way too as I heard they are supposed to be very good lenses for the money. I'm going to do a test roll of HP5 with both lenses to find out who's better for what and check focus, etc.<br>

Having said that, I'm watching a couple of Canon 1.4s at the moment, and I'd love to pick one of those up if I can afford to. At least I'm happy that the camera appears to be functioning properly!</p>

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