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Filter mount type for Kodak Retinette 1B

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<p>Good evening,<br /><br />I have inherited my mother's old Kodak Retinette 1B camera. All our family photos in the 1970s -80s were taken with this camera, and the photos were always great- crisp and clear. I do not know when my mother purchased it, but probably in the 1960s. When I grew up I used to borrow the camera at times but back then I did not have a particular photographic interest, and we always used color negative film and no filters. The lack of zoom finally led me to purchase my first SLR in 1991 I think, but that's another story.<br /><br />I now have the idea to start using the Retinette 1B again, but for B&W film. For this purpose I have been trying to get hold of suitable color filters for the lens, but so far without success. There is an ingraving on the side of the lens saying "S 29,5 x" which I assume means 29,5mm thread. I have purchased a few vintage filters off ebay with 29,5 and even 32mm (which was specified at one website) with screw mounts but none of them fit the lens -too loose. The user manual, which is in Swedish, is not very helpful. It mentions filters but not size or mount type. We do have a screw-in hood that fits perfectly but there is no data on the hood to give any clue to what size or type it is.<br>

To make matters worse, according to pictures of the Kodak Retinette 1B on the internet indicate that there are different configurations of this camera model because not all of them look like ours. <br>

<br />Please find some photos of our Retinette 1B camera <a href="http://s854.photobucket.com/user/hjnship/library/Retinette%201B">here</a>. <br /><br />If anyone in the Photo.net community has any information of what size or type of filter that will fit this camera, it would be sincerely appreciated.<br /><br />Best regards,<br>


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<p>I do not know whether they were available in other countries, too, but from the 50s to the 70s filters and close-up lenses from a german manufacturer called LIFA were very popular. They made adaptors for almost every thread or push-on mount size to accept their bayoent mount filters which came in 7 different sizes and would fit almost any camera on this world with their adaptors. Since most german cameras had filter mounts with approx. 30mm ... 40mm, you could use the same set of LIFA filters for different cameras and you just had to buy one more adaptor. My father had a set of filters from his days of b/w photography with his Agfa Silette and I remember that I just had to buy an adaptor to use his filters on my Rollei 35B. <br>

Probably your camera has such an adaptor, since LIFA used the Va designator for one of their standard filter sizes.<br>

However, today it might be much easier to find filters for the original thread of the Retinette than filters of the proprietary LIFA Va size and bayonet. <br>

There is an overview of varios filter mount systems which also describes the LIFA system - but in German only. <br>


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<p>Thank you both for replying. I always thought that front ring was part of the camera and not a third party accessory... When I took it off, the 29,5mm filter fits, but of course the hood no longer fits.<br>

In an attempt to reduce the risk of vignetting I will try to keep the adapter ring in place and see if I can find a filter which has the right mount and size (approx 33-34mm I believe), now that I know better what to look for. There are a few LIFA filters available from auction sites but not all of them have a front thread so that a hood can be fitted on top of it, however the "Va" variety appears to have a front bayonet/thread from what I have seen.<br>

I will keep looking, and thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. </p>

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<p>I am quite sure that the LIFA filters with their proprietary bayonet (including the Va size) always have a front bayonet. I remember that the LIFA filters I got from my father could be stacked and fitted into a case which consisted of a bottom part (with a bayonet to hold the filters) and the lens hood as a cover. </p>
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I am happy to report that I have already been able to purchase a set of filters for the appropriate Va mount, from an

internet auction site. The set included a yellow G2, red R0, and a yellowish green P0. They all fit perfectly and the hood

can be fitted as well. The filters seem to be in good condition, have a black plastic thread, but I am not sure if the glass is

glass or plastic, or what quality reputation those filters had back when they were in the market. They do seem clear and

fine to the eye at least.

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