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What do you think about inspiration and assignment cards for photograper?


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<p><strong>Hello out there,</strong><br>

there is a new product on the market, called the "bigger picture cards". This deck of cards are inspiration and assignment cards for (so called) photography enthusiasts... The deck includes 10 knowledge cards and 40 task cards - The combination of the two cards is a photo challenge to complete.<br>

What do you think about such a product? Helpfull or not? Does such flashcards get you out shooting in new and exciting ways?<br>

I'm curious about your opinion!<br>

Greetings<br /><br>

Kilian<br /></p>

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<p> Do such flashcards get you out shooting in new and exciting ways?</p>


<p>Personally, no. Perhaps children or beginner's might find the exercises of some didactic value as a game. But even then, I think it would wear thin pretty quickly once the basic concepts were absorbed. The real world contains so much exciting stuff all on it's own and the basic photographic design concepts you present can be found in many places for free. I doubt advanced photo enthusiasts would find these useful. Good luck.</p>


<p>there is a new product on the market</p>


<p>I have to agree with my colleagues above. Without being up front about it makes this post appear like spam and you disingenuous. Not a great introduction to you and your enterprise. <br>



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