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Mirrorless Monday_August 24th, 2015


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<p><img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/658/20780655551_7dbe2db33c_c.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<em>coco thru two windows, real and reflected</em><br>

<em><br /></em>a7 II • FDn 50/1.7</p>

<p>My nephew runs an English school over in China. This last couple of weeks he has had some of the families of the children he teaches over in San Fran for an American trip. I was fortunate enough to get to hand out with them for a while since I live not to far away. Some of the families even hired me for a day to follow them around and document their trip. I shot over 2000 photos for that event alone and I am still sorting thru them, but here are a few of the ones I have ready.</p>

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<p>David, I really like those shots, especially number 2. Not sure if anyone outside Oz knows this, but recently 100 wharf workers were suddenly made redundant. To add insult to injury, they were informed via email and text messages at midnight! So a permanent job one day, and redundant the next. Apparently the sacked workers are to be replaced with automated technology. Since the messages were sent, there has been a 24 hour picket line outside the entrance to the wharf, effectively shutting down all work. A friend and I went to visit the picket line and show solidarity. While I was there I took the opportunity to grab a few shots. The first shot is of the various picket line members gathering to hear a speech.</p><div>00dSG2-558167584.jpg.5c3a71bf5a9276ebbb536a83338c2a4f.jpg</div>
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<p>Thanks Anthea, I believe that is my personal favorite from all my trip photos as well. I love creepy, dark shots. And for some reason I listed all the photos as being taken with the FDn 50/1.7. Derp, no such animal exists. I meant to say it was the FDn 50/1.4. Must be getting old.</p>

<p>And it is such a shame to hear about the workers being replaced, but even more so about how they were notified. That is absolute bull crud.</p>

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<p>I set my XT1 to B&W and played around with it. When set this way it shoot jpeg only so the post processing can't be manipulated as much. on this shot I just cropped quite a bit to zero in on the boy. I was using the 18-135 lens at 135mm.</p><div>00dSHw-558173184.jpg.8df871cc5916a78d22897acd06c95967.jpg</div>
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