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Purchased a Pakon F135 - now something for 120?

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<p>Hi all,<br /> I've been researching scanners for the past month or so and pulled the trigger on a Pakon F135 for 35mm scans as it seems to be a great option. As I shot both 135 and 120 film, I'd like to get something for the latter. I've heard flatbed scanners deal with 120 more effectively than 135 so wonder what would be the best option for me considering I've already got the F135. I've been looking at the Epson v600 upwards but I need to keep budget in mind.<br /> Anyone have any thoughts on this?<br /> Thanks!</p>
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<p>A 120 scanner like the Pakon will cost an order of magnitude more. I looked into it just a week or two ago. $8k was what I was told (the new ones are twice that). BTW, I have a Pakon 135 (no plus) and it's a pretty nifty gadget that makes scanning a roll easy-peasy. Cost me $350 and I will make that back over 35 rolls.</p>

<p>Better to send your 120 out for scanning at a lab...you can have an awful lot of rolls scanned at the same resolution before you break even...and no maintenance required. </p>

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