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Contact Information for Customer Service - Fujifilm Global

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<p>Does anyone have contact information for Customer Service for Fujifilm Digital Imaging - Global. <br>

I would like to escalate an ongoing customer service issue to them for assistance. I actually called Japan and was directed to the Fujifilm Global web site to a contact page. Three messages have been sent via the page, but no acknowledgement email is received and unfortunately no reply has been received to let me know the issue is being reviewed or anything. It appears nothing is taking place.<br>


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<p>I haven't checked precisely for Fuji, but usually from Global pages you are brought down to regional or country-specific pages, and you end up exactly where you already were. And frankly, that is still the best bet. 'Global service' usually doesn't exist, as it is a near impossible thing as service requirements can differ vastly around the globe. What would be unacceptable handling times in one country might be completely OK in another (legally, culturally etc.). In my experience, it is really not that likely there is a global team that can review your case, as all these things are handled on a per-country or per-region base. If there is a global team, it is mostly likely there for pure product-related issues and such, but not support/service related issues; for example, they wouldn't have the expertise nor access to interact with your local courier which your local repair centre would be able to (as an example, I do not know the specifics of your problem).</p>

<p>In my honest opinion, you're probably still better off trying to escalate within the country/region where you are based, and try there to raise the red flag more clearly. I know it's a drag, and i know that fighting a customer service department can be very tiring, but I really believe it's a better bet than trying to find a global team.</p>

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<p>Wouter, I have to agree with you. My wife put a comment on the Global Contact form using a gmail account and in the comment section two words: Customer Service. It was promptly responded to by the web master at Fujifilm Global asking what product it concerned. <br>

I have not been able to find a means to escalate it regionally, Asia Pacific. It appears that anything sent to them via that contact point is directed back to the office in your country. That makes sense from a business standpoint, but does not seem to be in the best interest of providing the highest level of customer service or set any customer service standards across their broad international subsidiaries. <br>

This has been a very interesting experience. Lastly, there is no "Customer Service" department in the Philippines per se. Customer Service is at the sole discretion of the Division Head and I can find no Customer Service department within Fujifilm Asia Pacific. Thus the reason for seeking a contact point.</p>


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Fred, you may have to eat this cost addition by sending it by HDL to a U.S. center that you once mentioned you called or contacted and whom you can trust to service it a fair price, it will cost less overall for you. Your time and blood pressure is what I am thinking about.!


Maybe you have reached the legendary stone wall. No battering ram works. Not common but happens. I don' t know what more you can do after the avenues you have tried.


Fuji HQ of course needs to take note of this and I hope some level of management gets the word. They can pull authorizations.

Maybe one of the managers will hear about the commentary. How can we make that happen. It could lead the way to some positive outcome.


More likely avenue to pursue in that regard, Is there a Fuji user Facebook page? Of course there is..more than one. So I would at least make a declaration there ,- at least you get to share with others who use the brand worldwide.


We all get beaten down at some point in some instance. Even persistent and righteous claimants.I have got to say. Your call of course.

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