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Classic Manual Cameras Weekend, June 26, 2015

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For those who can't wait until next/this week's installment of the CMC Weekend thread: no need to wait. Remember that we also have the 365 Day Thread that needs one contribution each day.<br>If a day hasn't been honoured yet with a picture post over there, feel free to grab that day, make it yours and post your CMC picture. If it has, you'll just have to wait one, single day.
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<p>Post script: I just got my Rolleiflex 3.5E Xenotar back from Harry Fleenor. </p>

<p>* The shutter speeds sound right now. When it went in, the one second setting was clearly two seconds long.<br>

* The shutter and aperture blades are clean and work correctly now. The shutter blades were sticking open some of the time previously.<br>

* The film transport is a bit stiff, but functioning right on the money. Interestingly, it's tighter than my 1938 Automat. Works fine, though.<br>

* The lenses are clean and clear, except I had to clean a minor smudge on the viewing lens (easy) and there is a very small pre-existing chunk-o-dust (permanent) on the front element towards the bottom edge. Oh well! I paid very little for the unit. <br>

* The Maxwell screen is phenomenal. I took it out at lunch to the Farmer's Market and could easily frame and focus candids.</p>

<p>It handles like a new camera. I'm excited. I'm loaded up with 1.5 rolls of Provia, and headed off to the grungy sections of Seattle with the 3.5E, the Automat with B&W XP2, and some 35mm stuff. Good fun!</p>

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