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Lightroom not merging and sorting images from two different cameras - help please?

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<p>Hi guys,<br /> I need some help here please. I've just imported a few thousands of images form two different cameras, however Lightroom simply sorts them by camera only. (i.e.. images from the first camera, all sorted by capture time, then come images form the second camera.)<br /> The cameras are the same brand and model, times are synchronised, but the images refuse to merge and sort. I've tried putting them in the same folder and importing, but that doesn't do it either. I've been doing this for years and it all worked fine, till today. Does anyone know whats causing this, and how I can fix it?<br>

View > Sort > Capture Time is checked, The cameras are in sync down to the second, and images from both have been merging and sorting fine for over two years, till today. Sort order is all set to capture time in all modes and views, but its still sorting first by camera.<br>

<br /> Thanks in anticipation.<br /> Latch</p>

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<p>This problem sounds odd. Have you retraced your steps, compared file names, eyeballed the timestamp, double checked all the settings to make sure it is not a user-error? <br /><br />If you still have a problem, consider an external tool. For example, I'd probably try BreezeBrowser Pro, view in TimeStamp order, rename all the file names to proper sequence, then re-import to LR, and so forth.</p>

<p>Also, see if the "Lightroom Queen" can help: http://www.lightroomqueen.com/</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

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