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Velvia 50

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I am looking into ordering some Velvia 50 for my next vacation. Amazon.com mentions "Green/Blue/White" and "Green/White/Purple" versions. What are those?<br>

Fuji recently redesigned their packaging therefore my assumption is that the green/blue/white or green/white/purple monikers refers to the type of packaging, although I am not sure. What do you think? Are you guys aware of a change in the emulsion on top of the change in packaging?<br>

I have no experience with the "newer packaging" films, as I have been using older rolls stored in my freezer up to now. I will try a roll or two and keep you posted with my findings. (Might take a few months until my next vacation in a sunny country, though). <br>



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<p>Thanks, good to know.<br>

Les, I am aware of the RVP to RVP50 emulsion change you mention, although this one happened many years ago, perhaps 10 years or so. Reason was that some chemicals used in the production process have been banned if I am correctly informed. When I posted 2 days ago I was worried that the packaging change might hide yet another emulsion change. Glad it is not the case.<br>


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