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suggestions on a senior model - clothing and posing


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I am going to be photographing a woman that would like to start

modeling. She is in her late 40's and very attractive, although i

don't think it appropriate to pose her as i would a 20 year old. Any

suggestions on clothing and posing for this shoot , shall be on the

beach and just not sure of the image that i should be portraying of



thanks rosina

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Find magazine ads, articles, and catalogs with models of similar age and copy their look.


The cliche shot for a women in her 40s on the beach is barefoot with casual khaki slacks and a white blouse. Carefree and relaxed rather than glamorous or overtly sexy.

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A 40 year old is probably much better off that a 20. Try not to get that "cliche" look. Try to convey strength, wisdom and beauty. A 20 year old is usually seen as one with just her looks as her tools. An older woman knows what she wants, has lived life and can appreciate the subtle nuances of being admired. She understands how to give and take. Her beauty is underlined by experience as is her committment. The comment of "spring chicken" already denotes a prejudice that women have less to offer as they get older. Rather the opposite is true, all people become better people in all parts of life as they experience it. Beauty can be very overwhelming. Try to capture a moment that makes the looker keep coming back to look. It's not just the body, it's the deepness of the eyes, the strength of the world she has created for herself and the aura she exudes that says she can be serious and exciting. A person who comes to mind is Sophia Loren.
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I think the advice here so far is sound. I would only add that along with

the kind of shots that help sell a model, some should show a bit of flair

and style that only an older woman could pull off.


For a model over 35, character roles are also a viable way to land work.

Sure, catalog work is the mainstay, and there is a need for such models as

the population ages. Yet there are roles in advertising and promotion that

call for "types" and "characters". I've posted an unusual portrait that

was used by an interior decorator to create the atmosphere of the 1930's.

The photo is of the decorator herself who is over 40. It was very

successful as a promotion of her style.<div>004MSf-10941184.jpg.3c29621c0ad35d1d920f182d9b2ff8eb.jpg</div>

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