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Salt of the Earth documentary featuring Sebastião Salgado

Colin O

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<p>Many of you are probably already aware, but if not, you might be interested in knowing that one of the films

nominated for Best Documentary at tonight's Academy Awards is Salt of the Earth, about one of the greatest

documentary photographers, Sebastião Salgado. Trailer here:<br>

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<p>"<strong>Salt of the Earth</strong>", a great Wim Wenders documentary which has already won, in 2014, the Special Price of Un Certain Regard at the Cannes Film Festival (<a href="http://variety.com/2014/film/reviews/cannes-film-review-the-salt-of-the-earth-1201188584/">see here</a>) and several audience awards of other film festivals.<br>

However, Wim Wenders is up against another photography documentary,"<strong>Finding Vivian Maier</strong>" and not least Laura Poitras's : "<strong>Citizenfour</strong>", on and with a certain Edward Snowden - if they dare !</p>

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<p>They dared ! <strong>"Citizenfour".</strong> It has been shown in cinemas throughout the world since some month. Go and see it.<br>

That does not mean, that "Salt of the Earth" is not a great film, and certainly should be seen by, at least, all photography enthusiasts.</p>

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<p>It has more to do with my taste and his style, which is a bit too dramatic for my taste. I understand that he photographed "human drama", so maybe one could say his style fits perfectly, but I mostly prefer photographers that don't shout so loud in their photos. Salgado, as a person or at least how Wenders portraid him in the film, appears to be a humble, friendly and thoughtful person. He is succesful, yes, but he worked hard for it. I must say, I simply liked him and I think I understand his photos better now.</p>
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