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what kind of lights are these?


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<p>Hello guys<br>

Any idea what kind of light he is using? <br>


Can i get similar lighting at homedepot? I'm tight on budget and probably have to return the lights after my shoot. I'm shooting a video of ink in water and need similar lighting but I only have an alienbees with modelling light which is not strong enough for this type of work.</p>


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<p>The lamp in the picture you've posted a link to (which BTW also opens a very annoying persistent pop up which I can't seem to be able to close in any other way then by using Force Quit on my browser and restarting my Mac) does indeed resemble the kind of construction site lamps you can get relatively cheap at your local Home Depot.</p>

<p>I assume you're shooting video? Otherwise I see no urgent reasons why not to use your Aliensbees for this kind of shots considering these kind of construction lamps usually don't carry a light 'bulb' with an output higher then 400/500 Watt (contrary to eg Redheads or Hedlers which admittedly cost a lot more).</p>

<p>Apart from color and heat issues (IMO a thing to well keep in mind if used so close to the glass side panel of a waterfilled fishtank. i.e. cold water on one side and a very hot heat source very close to the other side of the same pane of glass) they can consequently only create enough DoF with a small aperture number if used with prolonged exposure times .</p><div>00d6Rx-554575884.jpg.1906fe3f0555761c87de4830c9a3fee5.jpg</div>

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<p>Yes, that does appear to be a standard hardware store work light and yes you can take pictures with them. But don't. First, you can buy real photographic lighting equip very affordably, especially hot lights. Secondly, if you have Alienbees there's no way they are not powerful enough for what is being shown in this picture. Even the lowest power AB puts out far more light than one of these hardware store lights. Could you explain more about what you're trying to shoot?</p>
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<p>Thanks guys<br>

I'm not doing a photo, i'm making a video hence not being able to use my alienbees. I tried shooting with the modelling lamp on my alienbees and I have to use a very high ISO to get the desired effect. <br>

Paul I'm sorry about the pop-ups. It was free image sharing service. Ill make sure to use another website next time. </p>

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<p>If you were going to use them, just do a custom white balance. Read your manual.<br /><br />But you can buy used Lowel Totalights for about $50 on ebay and have professional lighting that is compatible with proper light stands, umbrellas, etc. At <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com">www.bhphotovideo.com</a> look up Smith Victor. You can get old-style but still workable parabolic reflectors and photoflood bulbs for $35 or $40 brand new, cheaper if you find them used.<br /><br />If nothing else, go to the Lowel web site and read some of their tutorials on video lighting.</p>
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