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Outdoor maternity session


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<p>I had the opportunity to shoot a maternity session for a beautiful expecting mother. It was my second outdoor assignment. I am still fairly new to photography, even though I have been taking pictures in the past, but it was a hobby back then, and now I am more serious about photography.</p>

<p>There are a couple of difficulties I have encountered during the shots, and one of them is lack of posing variety. For those who have had the same problem, how do you overcome this? Do you memorize the list of posing ahead of time?</p>


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<img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7535/16144367592_90a50f709a_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="376" /></p>


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  • 2 weeks later...

There is very little variety in your shots, same basic point of view, same distant unconnected upward facial view keeps us

from making a connection. Your strongest image is the last one in the greenhouse. If she had better facial posing it would

have been a definate keeper. The remainder of the greenhouse images are too centered, too much depth of field and you

need to pay more attention to the background elements that appear to grow out of the subjects head. Look into Rule of

Thirds for subject placement and your images will instantly improve if followed. Shoot both portrait and landscape for

versatility. Your exposures are dead on but too much dof. Good color balance shifting a bit to yellow but acceptable on my

iPad. Most look like you were close but hampered by basic rules broken but without a reason.<div>00d502-554245984.jpg.eb1792aefec2516124cdc11d38c1f0f6.jpg</div>

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