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MM_March 1st, 2015

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<p>Nice series Sanford - great first shot! Here are my first few test shots with the Lansbaby Composer Pro on my E-M1. A couple of weird things with my repaired camera though - the diopter was changed (by the technician?) so I had to fiddle with that first (I've never touched it before) and I didn't realise until I uploaded the images that the image type had been changed back to .jpeg! Annoying to say the least. Anyone had any similar experiences after repairs? Anyway, now to the test shots...</p><div>00d9l4-555300484.jpg.5d0f1a3ec49b27b95c79dc513c588898.jpg</div>
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<p>Well yes, I did expect to lose any customisation for buttons etc., but not the diopter setting because I have never touched it; it was fine straight out of the box on all the Oly cameras I have ever bought. But you're correct - I didn't think about the fact that factory reset would include changing back to .jpeg. Lesson learned :)</p>
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