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Please help- what film?

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<p>Hello, I hope I am posting this in the right place. My best friend recently inherited an old Voigtlander Prominent camera from her grandfather. I know that she would love to be able to use the camera but doesn't know where to start. Could someone tell me if this requires some kind of special film, or would normal 35mm film work? If it's something more unusual, can it still be dropped off for processing at a local drugstore? Thanks in advance!</p>
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<p>many decvide black and white film will be easierr to work with asnd cheaper to procvess.<br>

this is not true unless you either have a home darkroom or know someone who does.<br>

It is also hard to find a roll of B&W film.<br>

easiest to deal with is comno0r print film. availambe at some drugstores and wal-mart.<br>

walmart no longer returns negatives ( really a stupid move)<br>

but there are labe around the country where you can mail film.<br>

there is the "old fashioned" in nh or abc labs in mystic ct.<br>

I searched for old fashioned . it is there somewhere.<br>

also a large camera store<br>

IF you live in or neaqr a big city.<br>

two sources of mail order film besides B&H in nyc<br>

are freestyle and ultrafineonline in california.</p>

<p>we are assuming the casmera uses 35mm film.<br>

if it used 120 film the mail order suppliers will have it.</p>

<p>Ask local camera clubs. they can make it easy for you</p>

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There was a Prominent folding camera built in 1933 that took medium format 120 film. It closed and opened with an accordion type bellows. I assume you have a later range finder Prominent, one that looks like a regular type camera. It would indeed take normal 35mm film.


Here are some places that may be close by you to develop the film:




Here is the "sunny 16" rule:




It really isn't that hard and color negative film is very forgiving of over or under exposure. Your friend should get some great photos and that is a really cool looking camera.

James G. Dainis
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