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Yashica Mat woes...


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<p>Please help. I seem to get 2 to 3 weird smeared images for every roll I shoot. What might be causing this problem? Please see pics below.<br /><br /></p>

<p><img src="/photo/17983560" alt="" /><br>

<img src="/photo/17983559" alt="" /><br>

<img src="/photo/17983564" alt="" /> <br>




<p>Mahalo!<br /> Gregg</p>

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<p>I'm guessing that it's slack film or <em>more likely the shutter is sticking</em>.</p>

<p>Is your film plate set to 12 or 24? Is the film tight before you close the door and finish rolling on?</p>

<p>Test the shutter speed you think you used and see if it hesitates a fraction of a second before closing.</p>

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<p>It looks like the shutter sometimes opens when advancing the film, and the shutter sometimes opens when cocking the shutter.</p>



<p>Is there any way you can return it? A CLA will likely cost more than the value of the camera. Fortunately, they are inexpensive cameras with great glass.</p>

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