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Zagg Invisible Shield - Nikon D810


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<p>+1 to going into any mobile phone shop and getting some generic screen protector for a phone or tablet. I've had generic no-brand sticky film on several stylus operated PDA, smartphone and GPS devices for years and it's worn extremely well, despite being poked with a plastic stylus countless times. Besides, it's cheap enough to replace when scratched, or it can even be repolished using metal polish.</p>

<p>No matter what claims Zagg makes, it's still just a bit of sticky plastic film that doesn't even have an anti-reflection coating.</p>

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<p>I respectfully disagree with the idea of sticky film. There are 2 problems - first is that it impedes the view of the image on the LCD screen. The good screen protectors are made from Schott glass. Second problem with the sticky film is that it offers no protection. While the actual Nikon LCD screen is quite robust, I prefer to mount a glass LCD protector on the nikon screens. I had a case last year where I managed to slam my D3 against a rock outcropping that shattered the glass screen protector, but did not penetrate to the actual Nikon LCD screen. Might have just been dumb luck or perhaps the Nikon screen is stronger than the GGS protector, but fact is that I lost the protector and not the actual screen.<br /> Absolutely worth the peace of mind in my opinion to have impact protection, rather than just a piece of film. Not to mention that the glass protector offers a "correct" image and is easy to clean with the same cloths I use to clean lenses. Plastic film like I use on my iphone only offers scratch protection for the underlying screen.<br /> In the past, I used the GGS versions which were around $10. Lately - after my D3 vs. rock incident, I have blown for this one.<br /> http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/search?N=10941731&InitialSearch=yes&sts=pi<br /> Yeah it is $38, but it is protecting my $5k camera bodies, allows me to view the image displayed unimpeded by distortion and is easy to wipe clean of fingerprints, watermarks and anything else. Sorry - it is a no brainer to me.<br>

<strong>EDIT</strong> - <em>I did not realize that the Zagg product mentioned in the original post is in fact made of glass. I have no experience with this product, so I cannot compare it to the GGS or the Giotto. However, I stand by my comparison of an optical glass protector (anyone's model) to a piece of sticky film used for an iphone.</em></p>


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<p>"<strong>EDIT</strong> - <em>I did not realize that the Zagg product mentioned in the original post is in fact made of glass. I have no experience with this product, so I cannot compare it to the GGS or the Giotto. However, I stand by my comparison of an optical glass protector (anyone's model) to a piece of sticky film used for an iPhone."</em><em><br /></em></p>


<p><em><br /></em>Here's a video of the product in question: http://www.zagg.com/why-invisibleshield?gclid=CJr6zbPXlMICFc3LtAod3z0AiA&s_kwcid=AL!4001!3!61992995533!e!!g!!zagg%20invisibleshield&c3api=goog,61992995533,zagg%20invisibleshield&ef_id=VEfhpwAAAJT17@cu:20141125021353:s<br /> It doesn't appear to be made of glass to me Eric. Just looks like yet another bit of sticky plastic. If you watch this demo video to the end, it gets peeled off like a bit of old cling film. An yes, any of the no-name plastic stick-ons I've used would serve the same purpose IMO.<em><br /></em></p>

<p>Zagg do make glass protectors, but as far as I can see they're only available for phones, pads and tablets.</p>

<p>And I've got to ask what's wrong with the clip on plastic protector that comes with the camera? Not perfectly clear I'll agree, but it offers reasonably good impact protection. Anything in direct contact with the original screen is going to transmit shock through to it, so offering dubious impact protection.</p>

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<p>"Anything in direct contact with the original screen is going to transmit shock through to it, so offering dubious impact protection."<br>

Dubious? The rock broke the protector; the lcd screen was unscathed. It is not dubious to me.<br>

The flimsy plastic cover that comes OEM with Nikon is a poor substitute. It is made of plastic which impedes viewing the image, scratches if you breath on it is optically poor and adds distortion and color to a shot, is easily lost and yellows with wear. Most working pros remove those flimsy dust covers.</p>

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<p>Just back from travelling. I am looking for scratch protection of the 2 screens on my D810 not a protection that the GGS glass is making. Years ago I considered an armor protection for my D700, however, I changed my mind, as if you are so scared, you better stay home at play chess -:) I like the Zagg film which is very clear and still fit very well to my D700/300 and it is impossible to scratch it. The sticky film for phones/Ipads get lose after a while, and yes they are relatively cheap to change. <br />I admit I do not like the clip on plastic protector, as it is not clear and get easy scratched, and furthermore in windy conditions you get dirt in between the protector and the LCD screen.</p>
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