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Nikon M 300mm/9.0


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I am considering buying a Nikon M 300mm/9.0 lens to shoot landscape

and portrait on my 4x5 field camera. Although thought to be an 8x10

standard lens, I've heard rumors that a lot of professional 4x5

types use this lens for outdoor photography, despite the excess

coverage. Does anyone have any positive or negative thoughts on

this lens?


Thank you!!!



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Another positive response. I have one and like it. Just to give you some choice, you might want to also check out the Fujinon C 300mm f/8.5. This lens has also received many favorable reviews. I was searching for a good price on a used version either one of these lenses. The Nikkor M 300mm came up first and I grabbed it.
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I have a Nikon 300M which I like, but don't use very much. It's performs very well, but is a little long for my vision. Don't be wowwed by having f128--any lens at f128 is low res. The 300 is the long lens for my kit. It and the short lens, a Fijinon W 105mm are my backups for when the two workhorses, a Nikon 200M and Nikon 135 are too long or too short. By adding a step up ring (46-52) to the Fuji, all four lenses use my existing 52mm Nikon filters from the 35mm kit. For scenics and general work I have not been hindered by the smaller coverage of these compact lenses. I use the four lenses with my Wisner TF4x5. Replacing the regular bellows with Wisner's UV bellows has proven convenient. I have never worked with UV, but the shorter bellows don't bunch with my shorter lenses and still have 18" length-plenty for me. Where the 200M really shines is mounted backward in the camera. By switching to my lightweight camera (a Zone VI Wista DX) carrying the 200 inverted in the camera and the 135 in a Domke wrap I have a very compact outfit. Wrap the camera in the focusing cloth. I use a simple bookbag and put the film holders in a Domke Super Compact stolen from the 35mm kit.

This is a longwinded way of adding my voice to the chorus of support for the 300m, and suggesting the 200m is a gem, also.

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I too spent a long time considering this lens and read all the threads on here

before purchasing. From what I found, Badger Graphic had the best price on a

new lens and they are very hard to find used. I lucked out and found one used

at Lens & Repro for $450 in like new condition. I haven't shot more than a few

images with it yet, but it certainly is compact, light and throws enough

coverage for 8x10. Kerry Thalmann's list of future classics is also a

tremendous resource on lenses:



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