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Mom and Senior unhappy with Rep Card image


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<p>This is my first year using Senior Reps and producing rep cards for them to hand out in school. Granted, I should have started this about a month ago, but it is what it is, and I thought being the first year this would be a good time to experiment. I have about 12 reps. With about a week and a half left of school, I am getting the cards back to the students-- they have one image of them with information about my studio on it. I chose an image that I think is one of the best and then I add some special edits and texture to make it look like a finished product.<br>

Well, I just got an e-mail from one of the mom's today "Just wanted to give you some feedback on the cards you gave us. She does not like the image you choose for the card and because of that does not want to hand them out. Could you remake the cards after we get a chance to look at all of the images-- we are willing to pay for the remakes. I'm sure with all of the time you spent with us, some of the images must be good. I know school is almost out, but we could mail out the rep cards to her friends. Sorry for this, but she doesn't want to hand out something she's not proud of."<br>

Ouch. Well, I know I can't make everyone happy, but that hurts. Should I let her pay for new ones? This is really disappointing to me, because 1. The session was awesome, and I spent probably 4 hours with them and gave them free makeup with the session and 2. Both the mom and the senior has been happy with the image I posted on facebook and the ones I showed them on the back of the camera during the session. </p>

<p>I don't know... should I let her pick out new cards? Pay for it myself or have them pay for it? Or just drop it all together? I thought they were going to be a great referral for me... :(</p>

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<p>My first thought is why in the world did you not incorporate each and every one of the ambassadors in the choice of their own images for the cards? That would have made sure that they would each be happy and generate even more excitement on their part about broadcasting how great you are to work with.</p>

<p>Be no means let them pay! <br /> You are now on a rescue mission and need to grease those skids in any way you can to have this mom and her daughter become happy, happy, happy. Get the senior and her mom back in to visit with you over the images and make the choices, discuss retouching and effects that you would like to use and be sure they are enthusiastically on board or don't make those post changes. Avoid doing this on the internet, make it a total team effort face to face.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thanks for the advice, Tim. I totally agree, if I would have started earlier I would have much preferred them to pick out their own image (especially with high schoolers as I know that they are often lacking confidence in their appearance). We were running out of time with school ending, however, and I made the choice to choose myself to get the cards to them sooner. It seems that it was a poor decision and in the future I will most certainly do this program in a more time efficient manner. <br>

I feel like something I don't have in this program is that the parents and students act like they're doing me a favor instead of the other way around. I want the students to feel competitive and feel honored to be chosen... instead I feel like they're surprised they're not getting more from me. I think next year, if I can incorporate a more thorough interview process that will help some what. </p>

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<p>Kyro, They <strong>ARE</strong> doing you a favor! Of course you are doing one for them as well, but unless I missed something and you are actually also paying them a salary beyond the images, you are asking them to be your representatives, sell the concept of using you to their classmates, and helping you seal these deals for as many fellow seniors as possible. This has a value far beyond the gift of some images and these kids and their parents are certainly savvy enough to know that.</p>

<p>I remember one photographer I saw speak many years ago actually paid with not only prints, but also cash based on a stipend for each senior booked from that rep (and he tracked each incoming session to see who sent them) and a small percentage of the actual portrait sale. His reps had a real incentive and understood their value to the studio because he treated them that way. He also kept in touch with them by having an in studio pizza party for his reps once a month so they were constantly in contact and discussing sales approaches and encouraging each other.</p>

<p>Good food for thought because he had a huge senior business in his area.</p>

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<p>Perhaps I worded it wrong, what I mean is, I don't want to seem like they are just getting a free session and that's it. I want it to seem like a competitive program that not everyone gets into, I want them to want to work hard at referrals because they feel it's worth it. I for sure need to improve my communication with seniors and parents. </p>
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<p><em>" I want it to seem like a competitive program that not everyone gets into, I want them to want to work hard at referrals because they feel it's worth it."</em></p>

<p>It is hard to make them feel that way when they are unhappy with your photography. Your the one that needs them in order to advertise your business and stay in business. they don't need you. You are thinking to great of yourself too soon. It has to come from your customers.</p>

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<p>Do what it takes to make her and her mom happy. The point of this type of program is to have the students showing their friends how great the pictures are AND telling them what a great person you are. All it takes is one saying that they weren't happy with you or your work to completely offset all the goodwill you get from the others. Bad news travels faster than good news.</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...
<p>The mod probably will delete my post but let me tell you. If the girl is my kid and I am reading your posts here I don't want my kid to deal with you at all. I feel you want the kids to do too much for you for what you gave them is very little. </p>
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