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How to clean a LF lens?


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<p>Hello all, I finally managed to open my Wollenstak Raptar 135mm f/4.7 lens after 3 months.. It was screwed in very tight.. So now I managed to open the rear element and have access to the oily shutter and aperture, and how should I clean it? And does the front element open as well? I would send it off to get it professionally cleaned, but it's a cheap lens that came with the camera and I don't mind breaking it.. <br /><br />Thanks everyone.</p>
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<p>Wollensak rebadged the Raptar to Optar when supplied to Graflex Corp. and rebadged the Rapax shutter Graphex when supplied to Graflex Corp. Follow the service manual instructions, http://www.southbristolviews.com/pics/Graphic/manual-pdf/GraphexShutterService.pdf ,without cutting corners and do a full disassembly. Use watch/clock oil or similar oil where oil is called for, use white lithium grease or similar light weight grease where grease is called for. A sheen of oil is all that is needed, a dab of grease about the size of a straight pin head is all that is needed for grease. Too much oil or grease will act like glue and impair the shutter operation. Rub the shutter and aperture blades with extra fine powdered graphite especially the pivot pins.</p>

<p>The 135mm Raptar/Optar is in a #2 shutter. </p>

<p>The linked manual is for the full flash sync version, the no flash sync version has no flash sync mechanism and the X flash sync version has a simpler but similar flash sync mechanism.</p>

<p>Clean the glass with a heavyweight microfiber lens cleaning cloth and your breath.</p>

<p>I have serviced several of these shutters. </p>


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<p>I have my shutters serviced by Mike Hakeem at Professional Camera Repair on 4410 Richmond here in Houston. I am sure that there are competent technicians in most every major market. By mail: I would contact SK Grimes at http://www.skgrimes.com/</p>

<p>I would not do a CLA on my own. You may have the manuals tools and scills to do this yourself . . .have at it.</p>

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