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I'm in X-stasy

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<p>After way too much online research I have finally purchased what I believe is a camera system that will meet my street and documentary photography needs.</p>

<p>Having recently purchased a Fuji X20 and having taken Eric's comment to my last post to heart <a href="/bboard/Whiskey%20Bar">http://www.photo.net/digital-camera-forum/00cd0w</a>, I spotted an ad for a used X100 + Lensmate thumbgrip, Fuji hood, spare battery and extra charger for $750, a great deal here in Israel. The camera had been serviced to address the SAB problem (I have documentation from the local Fuji service centre) and it functions fine.</p>

<p>My plan is to use them together when on assignment or just travelling in general; or separately depending on how much fun I want to have on any particular excursion. The high-ISO performance of the x100 alongside the fast AF of the X20 - and their commonality in terms of handling, controls and post-processing of Fuji RAW files; means I have a well-rounded system capable of meeting just about any scenario.</p>

<p>I'd like to thank members like Ralph Oshiro, eric arnold, Bruce Rubenstein, Brad, Dieter Schaefer, Leslie, Wouter and so many others who have shared their wisdom and experience on this site - much appreciated guys!</p>

<p>In closing I'd like to quote a certain Ms Hagen:<br /><br />In L.A., C.A. one four thirty seven seven seven<br />I've got a direct line to Heaven<br />Hey baby baby, heaven number seven seven seven<br />I'm in Ekstasy</p>

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<p>Re. the deal, I met the photographer in his plush penthouse apartment. We spoke about gear and whatnot, and he showed me what else he was shooting with:<br /><br />Nikon DF, Sig 35MM F...<br /> Sony RX1<br /> Sony Rx100<br /> Leica M9, 50 mm F...<br /> Leica M 240 and 35mm f...</p>

<p>all of which were nice cameras. I was grateful to have had an opportunity to handle them (Oh, so that's a Leica- blush) as I live kinda in the sticks. <br>

IMO, the Nikon was a beast, HUGE and heavy (not unappealing but not for me); the Leica's were also heavy. but I always enjoyed the rangefinder focus system; and the Sony, small and .. well, the RX1 was unable to focus on the guy. I actually gave up, and said politely, "Yeah, it's a nice camera", before putting it back down. <br>

Anyway, those are my thoughts on what's out there. That said, I love my purchases. No regrets.</p>

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<p>The X100/X100s is apparently the digital equivalent of the film Konica Hexar and its equally excellent 35 mm f2 lens. Good purchase! A Leica RF full frame digital would give you somewhat higher IQ but at an unreasonable price (Nearly 10 grand for an M and 35 mm Summicron!). If you don't need the optics interchangeability (which the Fuji X-Pro-1 gives at a reasonable price), the x100 seems a great choice. Wish I had one and maybe in black if anyone in my entourage hears the wish...</p>
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<p>congrts eyal. post some pics pls! just returned from 12 days in baja california,mexico, myself... took an x100, 2xXE1, and Nikon J1. mainly used the XE's but the x100 is "the one" if you can only take one travel camera or want to complement a mini-system. super-inobtrusive and very easy to shoot casually with. it also accepts nikon flashes like the sb-400. was pleasantly surprised to find the X100 worked well w/ the J1 (+30-110) as an ultra-lightweight w/a + tele kit. still wading through pics but i'll try to post some shots taken w/ different cams soon.</p>
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