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Denali & Kenai in late May


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<p>I'm headed to Denali and the Kenai peninsula for the last week of May and first week of June. It's a Road Scholar program with a lot of nature walks, mostly three miles or less. I have the choice of taking a weather resistant camera and a couple of lenses (Pentax) or a more compact system (Fuji X) that is easier to schlep around and, frankly, produces better images. I'm wondering how important the weather resistant aspect is. I understand that the weather is unpredictable there, but what are the averages? Is it likely to rain every day? I can carry the Fuji gear in a waterproof bag if necessary. Thanks in advance.</p>
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<p>Sounds like fun. Can't vouch for the weather there, but you can get some plastic sleeves that will protect your camera and lens.</p>


<p>Yes, you can be in Kenai and it could be beautiful, and 80 miles away in Homer you could be drenched for 4 days in the row (as it happen to me). Nonetheless it's good to be prepared. Enjoy.</p>


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<p>The standard advice for Alaska is to dress in layers to be able to adjust what you are wearing as the day and weather changes (take layers off as needed). The reason this is standard advice is it's true - and the outermost layer needs to be waterproof or water-resistant.</p>

<p>My wife bought me a water-resistant jacket with a large hood (Columbia brand, at a Dick's Sporting Good store), and it was easily a size too large. It proved to be excellent for Alaska. I carried a camera around my neck and if it rained or drizzled, I simply closed the jacket front over the camera - protected the camera very nicely, and still kept the camera available for use all the time. The large hood was big enough to shelter the camera in light rain while taking a picture. The hood obviously didn't extend over a long lens, and if you plan to take a long lens, I suggest the OpTec "disposable" plastic covers that can be had in decent camera stores or online.</p>

<p>As for which camera, take the one you like better - you'll get more and better images using a camera you're comfortable with. Have a great time on your trip.</p>

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