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Where are my photographs ?


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<p>I encountered the same problem as this user : <a href="/site-help-forum/00cTQG">old post in the same section of the forum</a></p>

<p>I uploaded photographs last night whose thumbnails can be seen in my portfolio, in the folder but when you click on it to enlarge them some of them doesn't show. I tried to see them signed out of my account, on Firefox with private browsing and on IE, same result each time. This is this <a href="/photodb/folder?folder_id=1072370">folder</a>, click on the first one, it will appear but not the 2nd nor the 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th, 7th show but not 8th, etc.</p>

<p>I already had the same problem and re-uploaded the photos on the edit image page and it worked but it was one picture not half the folder. Is there a solution that could save me from some tedious times re-uploading each one of them ?</p>

<p>Plus <a href="/photo/17833225">this photograph</a> doesn't show properly when enlarged it is distorted, the thumbnail is perfectly fine in the same folder as above.</p>

<p>Thanks for your time, patience and answers !<br>


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<p>The photos look normal to me. Sometimes there's a lag in the photo.net system before recent uploads appear as you'd expect. Same with reuploading new versions that are assigned to the same photo.net file number (rather than completely replacing the photo to a new file number). The batch/bulk uploader automagically resizes photos over 1500 pixels wide/long to 1500 pixels maximum for the larger view, and 680 wide for the default smaller view.</p>

<p>If you're still not seeing the photos as expected try clearing your browser cache, or viewing with a different browser.</p>

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