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Bulb Setting


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<p>I've been using a K10D followed by a K5 since early 2008 and never had a reason to use the bulb setting till a few nights ago for a session where people were light painting trains at night.<br>

<br />After I would take a shot, there would be a delay. It seemed to be related to how long the exposure was when I took the first few at five to ten seconds. I accidentally put my head down a while later when the exposures were much longer, and noticed there was a time counting down to zero, again seeming to be related to the time the shutter was open. <br /><br />Is there a setting I should set to prevent this? Or does the camera actually take movies and then combine the "frames" into one image? I didn't see anything about a delay in the manual.<br>

<br />Thanks, Ray</p>

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<p>Thanks guys! Figured something like that was going on, just couldn't find anything in the manual. Will look for that long exposure setting. <br /><br />In this case, it wasn't a problem since the setup was complex and there was enough time, but it might be a problem in other situations, so good to know!<br>

Didn't see it happening with the canikons next to me. Guess mine will have less noise :)</p>

<p> </p>

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